Mid-level Jobs in Timor-Leste


Data Management Adviser


The role involves assisting Timor-Leste's Ministry of Finance in improving analytical capabilities, requiring expertise in data analysis, database management, and business intelligence tools.

Deadline: Sept. 21, 2024

Australia Pacific Training Coalition (APTC)

Partnerships & Communications Coordinator


The Partnerships & Communications Coordinator will implement APTC's Communications Strategy in Timor-Leste, support partnership arrangements, lead social media and program communications, and contribute to Planning Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning reports.

Deadline: Sept. 20, 2024


Kordenador/a Projetu, Offisial kampu RAEOA, no Offisial Finansa no administrasaun


Ra'es Hadomi Timor Oan (RHTO) buka Kordenador/a Projetu, Offisial kampu RAEOA, no Offisial Finansa no administrasaun ba Projetu Hametin Reziliente Inkluzivu iha Komunidade iha Munisipiu Oe-Cusse no Liquiça.

Deadline: Aug. 30, 2024


National Consultant for the Installation of Health Care Waste Management Equipment in six Hospitals in Timor-Leste


Seeking a National Consultant to oversee the installation of health care waste management equipment in six hospitals in Timor-Leste, involving site assessment, design development, contractor selection, and quality assurance.

Deadline: Aug. 29, 2024

UN Women

National Consultant to Provide Technical Support to the National Anti-Trafficking Commission of Timor-Leste


This role involves providing technical support to Timor-Leste's National Anti-Trafficking Commission, assisting in the implementation of their annual work plan and the development of a National Action Plan to Combat Trafficking in Persons.

Deadline: Sept. 2, 2024

Care International

Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Specialist


The MEL Specialist will strengthen CARE's monitoring, evaluation and learning system, ensuring accountability and generating evidence for advocacy and impact. The role requires experience in data collection, analysis, and supporting staff with high-quality reporting.

Deadline: Aug. 30, 2024


Consultant to develop Performance-Based Incentive guidelines for Community Health Volunteers


UNICEF is seeking a consultant to develop performance-based incentive guidelines for community health volunteers in Timor-Leste, involving desk review, stakeholder engagement, and guideline development.

Deadline: Aug. 27, 2024

World Neighbors

Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability, and Learning (MEAL) Officer – Oecusse, Timor Leste


World Neighbors is seeking a MEAL Officer for their Timor-Leste program, based in Oecusse with 50% travel to remote locations. The role requires expertise in monitoring, evaluation, data analysis, and proficiency in relevant software tools.

Deadline: Aug. 30, 2024

Institute of Business (IOB)

Admin and Operations Assistant


Seeking an Admin and Operations Assistant to provide administrative, clerical, and operational support for WYCF and SENTRU programs. The role involves managing office supplies, maintaining records, coordinating events, and supporting various administrative tasks.

Deadline: Aug. 13, 2024


Business Adviser


PROSIVU is seeking a Business Adviser to support private sector engagement for inclusive economic growth in Timor-Leste and Australia, requiring expertise in trade and investment promotion, and experience with relevant institutions and business councils.

Deadline: Aug. 28, 2024


Consultant for Research on Women's Experience of Climate Change Impacts in Timor-Leste


Seeking a consultant to conduct research on the gendered impacts of climate change in Timor-Leste, focusing on women's experiences and identifying resource needs for building resilience.

Deadline: Aug. 28, 2024

Plan International

Consultant for Capacity Development on Quality Proposal Development and Program and Project Design


A consultant is needed to design and facilitate a workshop on quality proposal development and program design for Plan International Timor-Leste staff, aiming to improve their fundraising and project articulation skills.

Deadline: Aug. 28, 2024


Business Adviser


Analyze economic opportunities and develop innovative solutions with businesses and organizations to contribute to Timor-Leste's economic growth, focusing on sectors like agriculture, tourism, and renewable energy.

Deadline: Aug. 30, 2024

Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA)

Project Manager - SHAPE CAR


Manage and lead the SHAPE CAR Project in Viqueque Municipality, overseeing staff, activities, and climate action components to support farmer groups and increase family income and savings.

Deadline: Aug. 23, 2024


Health Finance Lead


The Health Finance Lead will provide technical support for health financing, planning, and efficient resource use in primary healthcare, focusing on Family Planning/Reproductive Health, Maternal, Newborn, Child, and Adolescent Health, and Nutrition.

Deadline: Aug. 24, 2024


Demand Generation Lead


The Demand Generation Lead will work on strengthening the health system in Timor-Leste to increase access to and demand for family planning, reproductive health, and maternal and child health care services through community engagement and advocacy.

Deadline: Aug. 24, 2024


Human Resources for Health Lead


Lead the improvement of human resources for health in Timor-Leste, focusing on strengthening primary healthcare systems and institutional management capacities for family planning, maternal health, and nutrition programs.

Deadline: Aug. 24, 2024

Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA)

Consultant for End-Line Evaluation of Hakbiit Feto Project


Seeking a consultant to conduct the end-line evaluation of the Hakbiit Feto Project, which focuses on women's social and economic empowerment in Timor-Leste.

Deadline: Sept. 9, 2024

Bee Timor-Leste

Vaga Empregu 5


BeeTimor-Leste, Empres Publika (BTL, E.P.) loke vaga ba pesoal sira ne ebé kompetente no iha abilidade atu bele konkore ba pozisaun oioin iha Dili no delegasaun nivel munisipiu sira.

Deadline: Aug. 22, 2024

World Food Programme (WFP)

Procurement Associate G6


The role involves coordinating procurement activities, supporting market research, managing supplier relationships, and ensuring compliance with WFP's procurement processes in Timor-Leste.

Deadline: Aug. 20, 2024


National Inclusive Education Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant


UNICEF is seeking a consultant to analyze and develop a strategy for improving inclusive education in Timor-Leste, focusing on policy review, mapping current interventions, and creating a monitoring and evaluation framework.

Deadline: Aug. 19, 2024


International Inclusive Education (IE) Specialist


UNICEF is seeking an experienced specialist to analyze and improve inclusive education systems in Timor-Leste, developing strategies and policies to enhance educational opportunities for all children.

Deadline: Aug. 19, 2024


International Consultant for Inclusive Education Training Materials Review and Development


UNICEF is seeking a consultant to review and develop inclusive education training materials and support plans for teachers and school leaders in Timor-Leste, aiming to improve educational outcomes for children with special needs.

Deadline: Aug. 15, 2024

Institute of Business (IOB)

Formador/a Kontabilidade


Treinador Kontabilidade sei responsavel ba hanorin no dezenvolve programa kursu Kontabilidade ba estudante sira iha SENTRU Dezenvolvementu Feto no Foinsae, WYCF-IOB, ho foku ba metodolojia hanorin no preparasaun rekursu aprendizajen.

Deadline: Aug. 16, 2024

Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA)

Program Quality and Program Development Coordinator


The role involves overseeing program quality, monitoring, and development for ADRA Timor-Leste, focusing on capacity building, MEAL systems, and new program opportunities.

Deadline: Aug. 21, 2024

Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA)

Program Coordinator


Oversee planning, implementation, and reporting of Viqueque-based projects, while building team capacity and ensuring quality service delivery in compliance with ADRA Timor-Leste and donor guidelines.

Deadline: Aug. 21, 2024

Millenium Challenge Corporation (MCC) USA

Senior Technical Advisor/Teacher and School Leader Training Specialist


IREX is seeking a Senior Technical Advisor to lead teacher and school leader training programs for the MCC-funded TALENT project in Timor Leste, aiming to improve education quality in secondary schools.

Deadline: Aug. 20, 2024

Care International

Ofisial Projetu - LAFAEK


Pozisaun ida-ne'e envolve jere atividade sira projetu nian iha nivel eskola no komunidade nian, asegura implementasaun ne'ebé efetivu, koordena ho autoridade lokál sira, no promove inisiativa sira CARE nian iha edukasaun no dezenvolvimentu komunitáriu.

Deadline: Aug. 18, 2024


Sales Manager


A dynamic role overseeing sales operations, customer relationships, and team management for a leading international hotel chain, requiring strong communication skills, market knowledge, and a passion for hospitality.

Deadline: Aug. 17, 2024

FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation), UN

Food Security and Nutrition Specialist


Provide technical assistance for a National Fish Consumption Survey in Timor-Leste, focusing on data collection, analysis, and capacity building to improve food security and nutrition monitoring.

Deadline: Aug. 16, 2024

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