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Posted: March 21, 2025

Deadline: March 31, 2025


In-Country Recruitment Database (IRD) Coordinator - PLMSP

About Pacific Labour Mobility Support Program

The Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme is a signature initiative for the Australian Government that enables workers from 9 Pacific Island Countries (PICs) and Timor-Leste to work in priority sectors in Australia. The Pacific Labour Mobility Support Program's (PLMSP) role is to provide the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and governments in 9 PICs and Timor-Leste with support to enable workers to access PALM scheme in inclusive ways that maximise the benefits for the workers and national economies while minimising risks from labour mobility participation.

Purpose of the Position

The IRD Coordinator is responsible for the ongoing operational development and implementation of the IRD. The role will assist Labour Sending Units staff to implement IRD upgrades; ensure data is imputed correctly by improving data management processes and systems; continuously training staff and improve their data management capacity; update and manage Shared Drive documents and ensure reporting from the IRD is detailed and correct.

Primary Responsibilities

  • Act as the first point of contact for IRD updates, troubleshooting and queries
  • Coordinate and support senior LSU staff to create and update policies, processes and SOPs
  • Advocate for IRD systems and processes
  • Use the IRD to clarify internal LSU systems
  • Ensure quality and compliance levels are maintained
  • Identify and monitor LSU training and data management needs
  • Run the IRD Admin section
  • Ensure IRD use and data collection adherence to legal standards

Required Qualifications

  • At least 3 years experience with modern databases and technologies
  • Proven ability to plan and manage schedules and databases
  • Ability to write process documents and manuals
  • Experience in facilitating workshops and training
  • Strong interpersonal skills
  • Outstanding attention to detail
  • Skilled in Microsoft Office products

How to Apply

Please submit your application with cover letter and CV at:

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Database ICT Mid-level Technology Training DFAT Coordinator

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