Posted: May 6, 2024

Deadline: May 17, 2024


Consultant - technical assistance for strengthening child protection related information management systems


I. Inception

1.1.1. Conduct a desk review of existing documents, focusing on the DMIS assessment, concept note on the birth registration programme,

1.1.2. Conduct interviews and consultations with partners and UNICEF.

1.1.3. Develop a workplan and timeline, including monthly deliverables based on the desk review and the consultations.

1.2.1. Conduct a desk review of existing documents, focusing on CPIMS and Primero related documents, child online protection.

1.2.2. Conduct interviews and consultations with partners and UNICEF.

1.2.3. Develop a workplan and timeline, including monthly deliverables based on the desk review and the consultations.

II. Provide technical support to MoJ to strengthen its Demographic Management Information System (DMIS) in line with the recommendations of the assessment of the DMIS conducted in 2023

2.1.  Develop system design document, including inputs from the MoJ, MoJ IT vendor/Department, UNICEF and based on the DMIS 2023 (this should include recommendations for both software development, upgrade and hardware needs, User Guides and User Manuals, as well as enhancement of user interaction and outreach component).

2.2. Prepare Technical support for the implementation of the system design document, including providing training, holding workshops, review, monitoring and reporting.

III. Provide technical support to MSSI to strengthen its Child Protection Information Management System aligned with child protection system strengthening, climate smart social services and social service workforce strengthening

3.1. Provide technical support to MSSI to design and operationalize the CP-IMS, including a monitoring framework for child protection, capacity development plan, specification on the users, functionalities, source of data, processes to obtain data and reports. The CP-IMS will also need to include a specific section dedicated to collating data and monitoring progress on SDG targets and its implementation for the government.

3.2.  Provide technical oversight to Government to operationalize Primero digital case management system, including through capacity building and to strengthen their utilization Social service workforce human resource information system (HR MIS)


1.1.  Workplan and timeline based on the TOR, desk review and the consultation (including the desk review and consultation report) - 5 days in June

1.2.  Workplan and timeline based on the TOR, desk review and the consultation (including the desk review and consultation report) - 5 days in June

2.1. Presentation of system design document to Ministry of Justice (final after incorporating inputs from a consultative workshop) - 20 days in July

2.2.1. Two trainings conducted to the Ministry and Municipality officials on the improvement of the system (3 days each, total 6 days in October)

2.2.2.  Regular monitoring and oversight of the system with MoJ and relevant Municipalities - Two reports submitted, including based on monitoring from the field (one mid-term and one final) - 14 days in October

3.1.  Presentation of the CPIMS Strategic Plan for the government, including monitoring Framework containing metadata on core indicators and data collection methodology and sources to be endorsed by MSSI aligned with the with child protection system strengthening, climate smart social services and social service workforce strengthening (20 days in November)

3.2. Regular monitoring and oversight of the system with MSSI and relevant Municipalities - Two reports submitted, including based on monitoring from the field (one mid-term and one final) - 20 days in May 2025.


To qualify as an advocate for every child you will have…

  • A bachelor’s degree level in social sciences IT, law, public administration, public management or in an equivalent area.
  • Minimum 2 years of working experience in designing, developing and deploying information/data management systems. Experience in the design of CRVS or child protection information management system, Primero or other system of managing data through technology is an asset.
  • Experience of data analysis, and providing training to government and end users in data and information management is asset.
  • Fluency in English is required.


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