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UN Women

Posted: June 20, 2024

Deadline: June 27, 2024


National Consultant: Advocacy and Communications

The consultant's primary responsibility is to strengthen coordination and communication efforts among a diverse range of stakeholders, including Participating United Nations Agencies (PUNOs), KOICA, government bodies, civil society organizations, media partners, and other key actors. Through proactive communication strategies and impactful advocacy, this consultancy is dedicated to enhancing the Programme's visibility, influencing policy decisions, and challenging harmful gender stereotypes and practices. The consultant will play an important role in ensuring the dissemination of empowering messages, addressing public misconceptions, and effectively conveying the impact of the T4E Programme. This, in turn, will foster lasting change in societal attitudes, norms, and behaviors that perpetuate gender-based violence (GBV).

  1. Duties and Responsibilities

Under the overall guidance and supervision of Programme Specialist EVAWG and WEE (T4E), the national Consultant will perform the following tasks:


  • Evidence-Based Advocacy: Develop and implement strategies to engage government at the national and municipal levels to influence policy decisions and allocate resources for gender equality and GBV prevention and response efforts. With the emphasis on utilizing data and evidence generated by the T4E Programme to support advocacy initiatives, ensuring that recommendations and policy proposals are firmly grounded in research and analysis.
  • Public Advocacy: Design, support the T4E’s programme partners and execute public advocacy campaigns aimed at raising awareness, challenging harmful gender stereotypes, and promoting positive behaviors related to gender equality and GBV prevention. Leverage evidence and success stories from the program to drive these advocacy efforts.

Communication and Coordination:

  • Coordinate and Communicate: Ensure better coordination and communication among Participating United Nations Agencies (PUNOs) on related communications work, activities, and events.
  • Branding Alignment: Ensure the alignment of branding guidelines (T4E’s Communication Strategy) for all project materials and communications to maintain a consistent project identity.
  • Promote Success Stories: Develop and promote human-interest stories, programs, and events that highlight the project's success and position the project and its partners as credible and visible actors in ending GBV.
  • Social Media Growth: Increase social media audiences on PUNOs' channels and boost engagement with the project's content on these platforms.
  • Partner Engagement: Engage, acknowledge, and credit involved partners and donors in project communications.
  • Media Relations: Build engagement with external media partners to expand the project's outreach and impact.

See more and apply:https://jobs.undp.org/cj_view_job.cfm?cur_job_id=116459

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UN Consultant Communications Mid-level

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