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UN Women

Posted: March 10, 2024

Deadline: March 15, 2024


Monitoring, Coordination, and Knowledge-sharing Facilitation for GBV Prevention


Details tasks

  1. Technical Support
  2. Monitor the progress of the selected implementing partners in line with project objectives and timelines.
  3. Provide technical support and guidance to partners to ensure the quality of program implementation.
  4. Conduct periodic quality assessments to ensure program effectiveness.
  5. Coordination
  6. Establish and maintain effective communication channels with government institutions and development partners.
  7. Organize meetings and consultations to foster collaboration and align project activities with stakeholders' priorities.
  8. Share project updates and information with relevant stakeholders.
  9. Knowledge-Sharing Facilitation
  10. Assist in the planning and organization of knowledge-sharing and evidence-based advocacy efforts.
  11. Support facilitation of the knowledge-sharing sessions, ensuring active participation among partners.
  12. Support the development of evidence-based advocacy efforts in collaboration with partners.
  13. Duration of the assignment

The duration of the assignment is one month. The consultant is expected to commence work on 20 March -19 November 2024.

  1. Key Deliverables:

The following deliverables are expected from the successful candidate.



  1. Monthly progress report

Monthly progress reports on technical support and implementation, documentation of coordination efforts with government institutions and development partners, and progress of knowledge-sharing facilitation each month.

  1. Final Report

Final report detailing results achieved over the start-end of the contract period.

  1. Summary of results achieved on project support and implementation.
  2. Documentation of coordination efforts with government institutions and development partners.
  3. Observations and Recommendations to UN Women
  4. Payment Schedule linked with deliverables

All the documents, including reports, questionnaires, presentations, and reports, should be submitted in the English language, or if in Tetum, include an English summary.

Upon receipt of the deliverables and prior to the payment of the installment, all submitted reports and documents will be reviewed and approved by UN Women.


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