Liquica Jobs in Timor-Leste

Life Insurance Sinarmas

Assistant Marketing (pozisaun 7)


Buka ema ba pozisaun Assistant Marketing iha munisipiu oioin, ho rekerimentu espesífiku inklui hela fatin, idade, no ekipamentu rasik.

Deadline: Aug. 21, 2024


Ofisiál Terenu (OT) - Programa Hakbiit Ekonomia - pozisaun 2

Liquiça no Bobonaro

Fundasaun Alola buka Ofisiál Terenu (OT) ba Programa Hakbiit Ekonomia atu servisu iha Munisípiu Liquiça no Bobonaro. Pozisaun ne'e sei foka ba hametin feto sira-nia partisipasaun ekonómika liu husi servisu ho grupu komunidade sira.

Deadline: July 25, 2024

Child Fund

WASH Project Officer - Liquica


The WASH Project Officer will play a pivotal role in planning, implementing, and monitoring WASH projects within ChildFund Timor Leste. He/she will work closely with the DRM Project coordinator and other team members to ensure the successful delivery of high-quality WASH services to communities in n

Deadline: May 6, 2024

Child Fund

Project Field Assistant - Liquica - Early Development and intervention for Children (EDIC)


USD$400 per month with other Benefit This position will be mainly responsible for the successful implementation and monitoring of the community CBPS centres activities working under the supervision of the Education Project Coordinator. You will provide on-going support supervision to the EDIC Facil

Deadline: April 12, 2024

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