Jobs from Nicholas O’Dwyer Ltd

Nicholas O’Dwyer Ltd

Local Design Coordinator


We are seeking a experienced Local Design Coordinator for a large scale Water, Sanitation and Drainage Project. This is a fantastic opportunity for a highly motivated candidate to join a well-established and reputable engineering and environmental consultancy. Key Responsibilities: Provide support t

Deadline: Feb. 19, 2024

Nicholas O’Dwyer Ltd

Project Engineer


Nicholas O’Dwyer Ltd has been appointed to undertake the consultancy services for the Dili, Timor Leste Water, Sanitation and Drainage Project. Dili faces significant sanitation challenges that affect the health and well-being of its residents. This project aims to address these challenges head-on b

Deadline: Feb. 19, 2024

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Job Title Employer Location Date Posted Deadline Tags
Local Design Coordinator Nicholas O’Dwyer Ltd Dili Feb. 10, 2024 Feb. 19, 2024 International WASH Private sector Coordinator
Project Engineer Nicholas O’Dwyer Ltd Dili Feb. 10, 2024 Feb. 19, 2024 International WASH Engineer Private sector