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Asia Foundation

Posted: May 19, 2024

Deadline: May 31, 2024


Research Coordinator - Nabilan

Key Responsibilities

  • Coordinate all study implementation processes with involved parties including the Foundation, the technical partner, and relevant government entities
  • Liaise closely and regularly with government and other stakeholders for study implementation; lead establishment of Research Steering Committee (RSC)
  • Manage all study implementation logistic needs
  • Lead the Timor-Leste ethics board approval process for the study
  • Work with the Foundation’s Sasukat team for management of the survey tool
  • Coordinate translation, design and dissemination of the results

Selection Criteria

  • Minimum university bachelor degree in social science, community development, research, gender studies or other related field
  • A minimum of seven years of experience working on research projects in the development sector in Timor-Leste
  • Specific experience at a senior level in managing large research projects
  • Demonstrated knowledge of both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies
  • Experience coordinating diverse stakeholders for research project implementation
  • Experience working and liaising with government; demonstrated knowledge of Timor-Leste government systems and policy and legal frameworks
  • A personal commitment to feminist values and principles, promoting gender equality and modelling personal behaviours consistent with the project focus
  • Strong oral and written communication skills in both Tetum and English
  • Previous experience working on gender equality or ending VAWC programs desirable


  1. Cover letter  
  2. CV or résumé
  3. Three contactable referees
  4. Bilhete de Identidade and Electoral card

Applications must be submitted in English, and sent to the Foundation’s Human Resources Unit: [email protected] on or before 31 May 2024.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Women are strongly encouraged to apply. The position is open for Timorese nationals only. The successful candidate will be required to submit a criminal record certificate.

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Coordinator Asia Foundation Research

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