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Posted: May 12, 2024

Deadline: May 26, 2024


Professional copy editors/proof-readers

Hiring office

NCBA CLUSA – Headquarter Office

Purpose of consultancy

The purpose of this consultancy is to hire a pool of professional copy editors/proof-readers who can provide quality editing/proofreading services in compliance with NCBA CLUSA editorial style and guidelines.

The language to be edited is English.

Scope of work

(Description of services, activities, or outputs)

Under the guidance and direct supervision of the NCBA CLUSA team, the copyeditor/proof-reader will undertake the following duties and responsibilities:

  • Review the final draft of a document (annual plan, quarterly and annual reports) to ensure consistency and accuracy in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and formatting
  • Correct errors and spelling
  • Correct issues at the core of writing such as sentence constructions and language clarity
  • Edit the style and fine-tune the text to make sure the document make sense as a whole
  • Ensure the document is written with adequately style
  • Consult with NCBA CLUSA when required
  • Complete the work within the agreed timeline and submit the final translation in soft copy

Duration and working schedule

Successful candidates will have retainer with NCBA CLUSA and will negotiate working days schedule.

Delivery dates and how work will be delivered

The consultant will submit deliverables electronically by email.

All deliverables are exclusive to NCBA CLUSA.

The delivery date of each editing/proofreading request will be treated on case-by-case basis depending on the request from NCBA CLUSA.

Place where services are to be delivered

The consultant will work remotely and produce files electronically.

Required expertise, qualifications, and competencies, including language requirements

The consultant should have the following qualifications and competencies:

  • Bachelor's degree in English, linguistics, literature, or related areas.
  • Demonstrated experience in editing/proofreading
  • Fluent in writing and reading the subject language, preferably a native speaker
  • Proven skills in editing/proofreading: English

Please submit a CV and USAID form 1420 to for consideration.

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