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Plan International

Posted: April 18, 2024

Deadline: April 24, 2024


National Videographer Consultant

The main objective of the videographer consultant is to produce impactful video content by participating and document project activities, capturing success stories, and interviewing relevant stakeholders, target communities, and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) conducted by PITL and co- applicants (AHDMTL & ATL). This content aims to raise awareness of the rights and challenges faced by PwDs and LGBTQI+ individuals. Additionally, the videos will serve as training material and be disseminated through PITL, AHDMTL & ATL social media platforms to maximize their reach and effectiveness in promoting inclusivity and understanding. This video will be a key tool for advocacy and education as we aim to collaborate with Grupo das Mulheres Parlamentares de Timor-Leste (GMPTL) to influence policymakers to integrate disability rights into national policies. It will compel policymakers, stakeholders, and the community to take action in promoting inclusion, equality, and respect for human rights.

Scope of Work

  1. Engagement and Story Collection:
    • Engage with target communities including local authorities, caregivers and CSOs to capture success stories and conduct stakeholder interviews.
    • Gather diverse perspectives on the rights and challenges faced by PwDs and LGBTQI+ individuals.
  1. Video Production and Development:
    • Produce two high-quality videos (2-5 mins. for each video)

I. Public awareness of PwDs and LGBTQI+ rights, including interviews with stakeholders and showcasing project activities.

II. Highlighting success stories from project participants, demonstrating the impact of interventions in their communities.

  1. Technical Support and Collaboration:
    • Work closely with the project team (PITL, AHDMTL, & ATL) to provide technical support throughout the video production process in Dili, Ainaro & Ermera.
    • Collaborate on the development of video content, including drafting storylines, scripts, and finalizing materials.
  1. Translation and Accessibility:
    • Translate scripts to English and provide voice-over and text translations as required.
    • Ensure accessibility by translating scripts, voiceovers, and videos into Sign Language.
    • Edit videos, incorporate subtitles/narrations, and create motion graphics to enhance accessibility and engagement.


The assignment duration is set at a maximum of two (2) weeks from the contract signing date. Within one week of contract signing, the videographer consultant must submit draft and a production schedule for approval.






Approved                       video


Scripts should contain a detailed

description of each video story.

3 working  days  after  signing  a

contract with PITL


Production plan

The production plan should include:

  1. Time frame of each video stage
  2. Storyboard and image

5 working days after signing the contract with PITL


Ready-made videos

Videos with source files should be in Tetum, complete with English subtitles and sign language.

Shooting should not last more than

5 working days upon production plan approval.

Draft videos to be provided within 1 week after video shooting

Final videos are to be provided after final revision from the team


Promotion PITL

PITL should encompass digital solutions (e.g., YouTube ads, banner ads, etc.). Full usage rights for music (or music with granted copyright). Two fully-produced clips of approximately 2-5 minutes each in 1080p (HD). These will be shared

with internal and external audiences.

2 working days upon signing the contract




Payment in Percentage (%)


Provision and Approval of Storyline by PITL



Delivery of First Output and feedback from PITL



Completion and approval of final output by PITL


Copyright Permission Tentative Payment Schedule

All information related to this project, including audio, visual, and documentary materials is the property of Plan International Timor-Leste (PITL). The producer in the performance of the tasks under this assignment, acknowledges and agrees that all produced content shall remain the sole property of PITL, with PITL holding the exclusive rights to its usage. Disclosure of information to the public or any form of utilization thereof is strictly prohibited without prior written authorization from PITL, under PITL's Safeguarding Children and Youth and Media Policies.


The budget allocation for video production is around 1,500 – 2,500 USD.

Qualifications and Requirements

  1. Minimum 3 Years of Experience:
    • Demonstrated leadership and experience in video production projects, with a minimum of 3 years of relevant work experience.
  1. Portfolio of Similar Productions:
    • Experience in at least 3 similar video productions, supported by work samples. Please provide links to these samples.
  1. Video Editing Expertise:
    • Proficiency in video editing with a minimum of 3 years of experience. Please include the CVs and references for each team member responsible for video editing.
  1. Understanding of Local Context:
    • Understanding and awareness of local context and issues about persons with disabilities (PwDs) and LGBTIQ+ communities.
  1. Budget Estimation Details:
    • Submission of detailed budget estimation for the proposed project.
  1. Equipment Specification:
    • Brief specification of the equipment proposed for production, including whether it will be owned or hired.
  1. License Copy:
    • Provision of a license copy from the vendor.

Submission of Proposal

1) Interested parties must submit their proposal electronically to PlanTL.Jobs@plan- and CC [email protected] with the title ‘’PwDs & LGBTQI+ Project: Videographer Consultant’’. No later than 24 April 2024.

2) Proposals should include:

3) All proposals must be submitted in PDF format.

4) Late submissions will not be considered.

For further inquiries, please email/contact:

Email                   : [email protected]

Phone                  : (+670) - 7839 - 9688

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Consultant Plan International National Communications Video & Photo

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