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Posted: June 16, 2024

Deadline: June 18, 2024


Consultant for Rights in a Digital Age Baseline Assessment

7 working days

Context Analysis

Timor-Leste’s civil society enjoys a relatively open civic space compared to the rest of its regional peers. The government, donors, and development agencies generally acknowledge the importance of social accountability through, among others, strategic and sustained support to civil society. Since the independence, the Timorese civil society actors remain active & vibrant contributors to the country’s development policies and practices. However, the country still faces critical development challenges of access to resources, low domestic revenue mobilization, and fiscal sustainability amongst others.

Through Oxfam’s civil society partnership approaches, Oxfam helps create platforms and spaces for different voices by supporting and bringing together community groups, youth, women, persons with disabilities, civil society networks, municipal actors, networks, and the private sector to engage with decision-makers. Given the current open civic space that Timor-Leste enjoys (which should not be taken for granted), and as Timor-Leste strives to achieve its development goals, civil society will continue to play a central role in leading meaningful and evidence-based engagement with policymakers, party leaders, stakeholders, and communities on fundamental challenges facing the country.

Amongst other areas to which civil society can contribute, evidence-based research, analysis, and advocacy would be a critical value-add that civil society can bring to the table given their long-term presence and work in communities. This, however, is an area that needs continued support where Oxfam has played a lead role in Timor-Leste with nearly all of its country programs implemented largely through local CSOs and community-based organizations. In the recent past, Oxfam and CSO partners have made numerous research contributions on various development themes including Civil Society Engagement in Fiscal and Economic Diversification Policy Environment, Youth and Digital Space, Youth in Agriculture, and Economic Diversification, to mention a few. This research has provided critical information and evidence that is utilized by Oxfam and CSO’s partners in the country for their policy influencing and advocacy works. There was also notable reception from the government policymakers which recognized and took into account some of the findings and recommendations from the civil society.

Oxfam & Rights in the Digital Age

Oxfam is actively working to promote and protect rights in the digital age (RiaDA) globally, including in Asia. Our work on RiaDA is centered around five pillars - Access & Equity, Security & Digital Civic Space, Responsible Data Use & Privacy, Automation & The Future of Work, and Governance. The fast-paced digital transformation is providing both opportunities and threats. On the one hand, digital technologies can facilitate innovation and access to information and healthcare, but on the other hand, the digital divide remains a critical issue, while concerns related to privacy and data protection persist. Against this backdrop, fundamental freedoms and rights must be upheld while maximizing the potential of new digital technologies.

This consultancy will inform the Rights in a Digital Age (RiaDA) Strategy for both Timor-Leste and Asia by providing data and qualitative assessment of Timor-Leste’s digital landscape through a RiaDA Baseline Assessment Tool.

Scope and Objective

Oxfam envisions this evidence-based tool to serve as a valuable resource for Oxfam in Timor-Leste staff and partners for strategic planning, prioritization, program design, and fundraising for activities linked to improving the quality of the rights-respecting digital ecosystem over time.

The purpose of this consultancy is to undertake an initial assessment of the current state of human rights in a digital age in Timor-Leste across Oxfam's five RiaDA pillars. This will be done by gathering quantitative data from reputable third-party sources and qualitative information through an online form with 59 questions.

Findings from this assessment will inform the Rights in a Digital Age (RiaDA) Strategy for both Timor-Leste and Asia by providing data and qualitative assessment of Timor-Leste’s digital landscape through a RiaDA Baseline Assessment Tool.


The consultant will conduct research to identify and analyse secondary data to complete the survey questionnaire using Oxfam’s Rights in a Digital Age Baseline Assessment tool. Information and analysis to be provided by the consultant will include, but not be limited to Timor-Leste’s existing policies, laws, and digital infrastructure in line with Oxfam’s five key pillars for rights in the digital age (access and equity; security & digital civic space; automation and future of work; and governance). These additional inputs, evidence, information, and analyses will contribute to a better understanding of the current state of rights in the digital age in Timor-Leste which in turn will inform policies and practices that promote rights protection and open civic space in the digital era.

Throughout this consultancy, the consultant will work closely with Oxfam in Timor-Leste and Oxfam Asia Regional Platform.


The consultant will report to and work closely with Oxfam in Timor-Leste’s Strategy and Engagement Lead with technical support and guidance from Oxfam Asia Regional Platform.

Level of effort (LOE)

It is anticipated that the consultancy will require no more than 7 working days.

Application process

Applicants must submit the following documents.

  • A Curriculum Vita (CV) no longer than 4 pages
  • A sample of a research report that the applicant has written or led the writing process
  • A draft research plan and methodology.
  • Budget proposal, inclusive of 10% tax deduction

Key selection criteria

  • Experience working in the areas of human rights in the digital age, security, and digital civic space
  • A strong understanding of Timor-Leste country context including the country’s state of civic space, human rights, digital space, and infrastructure.
  • Familiarity with digital civic space including policy, laws and digital infrastructure, internet access, and digital ecosystem in the country.
  • Demonstrated skills in research and analysis, including competence with both qualitative and quantitative methods in response to the baseline assessment questionnaire.
  • Sound understanding of gender and social inclusion issues.
  • Sound understanding of governance and social accountability issues.
  • Demonstrated skills in writing and oral communication skills, including the ability to articulate complex concepts in a clear, accessible, concise, and logical manner.
  • Can work proficiency in both English and Tetum.

Timorese and female candidates are encouraged to apply.


Please send your application to People, Learning and Development Coordinator Ms. Benigna Martins at [email protected]. Should you have any technical questions, please write to Adilson da Costa Junior, OiTL’s Strategy and Engagement Lead at [email protected]

Application Deadline

18 of June 2024

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