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Catholic Relief Services

Posted: March 6, 2024

Deadline: March 19, 2024


Enumerators (data collection) - 8 positions

$25 / day

The Catholic Relief Services in Timor-Leste (CRS-TL) is looking to hire eight (8) Data Collectors to help conduct data collection activities for its Anthropometric Measurers STRONG project. Data Collectors will be responsible for collecting data using quantitative methods (e.g., survey) from target respondents.

The purpose of the baseline is to (1) establish baseline values for relevant project performance indicators necessary for setting realistic targets, and (2) to understand the determinants of key behaviours that the project seeks to influence. The results of the Baseline Study will inform and enhance CRS’ nutrition programming for AGYW by helping CRS tailor interventions to the specific needs of AGYW in the project’s prioritized villages.  Findings are expected to help stakeholders, such as the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education, to develop programs that helps to improve the nutritional status of AGYW. The goal is to enabling adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) in Timor Leste to live healthy and productive lives and break the cycle of intergenerational malnutrition.

II. Background: 

Catholic Relief Services is the official international humanitarian agency of the Catholic community in the United States. CRS works to save, protect, and transform lives in need in more than 100 countries, without regard to race, religion or nationality. CRS’ relief and development work are accomplished through programs of emergency response, HIV, health, agriculture, education, microfinance and peacebuilding.

CRS Timor-Leste currently has a diverse portfolio of projects, including agriculture livelihoods (nutrition-sensitive agriculture, climate-smart agriculture, technical assistance for enhanced productivity), peacebuilding, saving and internal lending communities (SILC), disaster risk reduction (DRR), humanitarian response, and water security. Donors include United States Agency of International Development (USAID), USAID/Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance (BHA), Australian Dept. of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), Margaret A. Cargill Foundation, Australian Dept. of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), UN Women, and Latter-Day Saints.

In Timor-Leste, adolescent girls, and young women (AGYW) are considered high-risk groups for malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies, such as vitamin A, folate, zinc, and iron. Iron and vitamin A deficiencies in adolescence can inhibit immune system performance, cognitive functioning, and growth. Limited growth, in turn, has negative consequences for mental health as well as learning and memory. (Reference 1)

In pregnant AGYW, anaemia can pose a greater risk as it greatly contributes to intrapartum and postpartum haemorrhage—a leading cause of maternal morbidity and mortality. According to Demographic and Health Survey 2016, 23% of women aged 15-49 (women of reproductive age, or WRA) are anaemic and that pregnant women are more likely to be anaemic (37%) than women who are breastfeeding (26%). (Reference 2)

Diverse, nutrient-rich, calorically sufficient, and safe diets that could prevent these adverse health impacts are difficult to achieve in Timor-Leste. The Timor-Leste Cost of the Diet Analysis 2023 Update suggested that meeting the nutrient needs of adolescent girls is difficult to achieve for many if not most families. (Reference 3) Adolescent girls are reported to be particularly at risk of not meeting minimum dietary needs as iron-rich foods are more expensive than other types of food, especially in Timor-Leste where food unaffordability is a serious issue.

In response to the above cited challenges, CRS-TL, with financial support from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), is implementing a five-year nutrition project.  The Sustainable, Targeted, Responsive approach to Optimize Nutrition and Growth for Adolescent Girls and Young Women (STRONG) Project aims to ensure AGYW live healthy, productive lives and break the cycle of intergenerational malnutrition in the municipalities of Ermera and Covalima in Timor-Leste. This project aims to support the National Health Sector Nutrition Strategic Plan 2022-2026 of Timor-Leste, wherein strategic intervention area 1 prioritizes maternal, newborn, infant, and young child nutrition; and strategic intervention area 2 focuses on adolescent nutrition.

How to organize the team:

  • Data collector will be divided into two teams [1 team in ERMERA and 1 team in COVALIMA]
  • Each team will be divided into 2 group [1 group focus on AGYW and 1 group focus on AGYW with CU2, which is responsible by the enumerators that have background in public health.
  • CRS staff who are accompany data collector during in the field will be in charge as team leader and required to have evaluation every end of the day.
  • MEAL staff will monitor progress of data collection by step into the COMMCARE app and share or remind data collector team in the field if identified any issues “remotely”.
  • INS staff will be in the field for 2 days to observe and monitor data collection process.

III. Key Roles and Responsibilities

  • Perform anthropometric measurement i.e. measuring weight and height for adolescent girls and young women as well as measuring weight and length for children under-two.
  • Entry the measurement result in CommCare;
  • Work with other team members and field supervisor(s) for data collection including preparation and coordination.
  • Documenting any issues during the data collection thus sharing with CRS team.


During the term of the contract, Data Collectors shall comply with tasks and rules, regulations, and policies of CRS-TL. Violation of such rules, regulations and policies shall result in sanctions and termination of the Data Collector’s contract prior to its expiration.

Duties before data collection:

Duties during data collection:

Duties after data collection:

IV. Qualifications

Data Collectors have the following qualifications and skills:

  • Public Health or Nutrition education background, at least Diploma III or bachelor’s degree.
  • Experience in performing anthropometric measurement (weight and length/height) for adult and children required, in survey setting preferred.
  • Energetic, motivated and team players
  • Fluent in written and spoken Tetum; knowledge of other local languages or dialects in municipalities of ERMERA and COVALIMA, Ainaro, Bobonaro and Manufahi preferred; basic knowledge of English, preferred.
  • Familiarity with the rural Timor-Leste Nutrition context is preferred.
  • Experience in utilizing technology tools and possess the ability to master new technology tools [COMMCARE app], as required; familiarity with the use of an Android tablet is an advantage.
  • Highly organized individual, punctual, accurate, capable of handling multiple priorities, meeting deadlines, and managing time effectively.
  • Ability to work independently as well as an effective team player.
  • Willing to work in the field and remote areas.
  • Confidence and can-do attitude; ability to advance projects with minimal supervision.
  • The candidate should be 18 years of age or above.

V. Engagement Period and Location

  • Engagement Period:
    • Training dates: April 1-5, 2024.
    • Data Collection dates: The duration of the work will be approximately 15 days from April 8 to 19.  Work hours for each day will be 8:00AM to 5:00PM.
  • Work Location:
    • Training: CRS Dili Office, Meeting Room
    • Data collection (field work):
      • Data Collection Team 1: in ERMERA Municipality
      • Data Collection Team 2: in COVALIMA Municipality

VI. Fee and Payment Term

CRS shall cover the costs of meals, during the Data Collectors’ training.  For data collection field work, CRS will provide a daily stipend of $25.00 per day for the maximum of 15 days for data collection and travel in between sites.  Work rendered beyond working hours is not subject to overtime pay.  Data Collectors shall be paid at the end of the data collection field work, and when all notes, equipment, and other relevant materials have been submitted to the CRS STRONG MEAL Senior Officer.

The term of this contract is output-based. There will be no employee-employer relationship with the Data Collector and CRS-TL.

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Catholic Relief Services Data collection

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