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Care International

Posted: April 23, 2024

Deadline: April 30, 2024


Engineer Consultant - HAFORSA 3

CARE in Timor-Leste is starting to implement the HAFORSA 3 Project from March 2024, funded by the Government of Japan. The project aims to address multifaceted challenges in Timor-Leste, including poverty, agricultural instability, malnutrition, and gender inequality. With a significant portion of the population living below the poverty line and relying on subsistence agriculture, the project focuses on enhancing access to agricultural water and transitioning to market-oriented agriculture. Smallholder farmers, particularly women, lack access to markets and financial resources, hindering income generation and economic empowerment. Malnutrition rates are high, exacerbated by food insecurity and limited nutritional knowledge. Moreover, patriarchal customs restrict women's access to land, materials, and finance, limiting their participation in economic activities and decision-making. To tackle these issues, the project implements activities aimed at increasing income opportunities, empowering women in household decision-making, and promoting improved nutrition practices. By addressing these interconnected challenges, the project seeks to enhance livelihoods, reduce poverty, and promote gender equality in Timor-Leste.

Project Goal: Well-being of vulnerable households in rural areas in Atsabe Sub-district of Ermera Municipality is improved

End of Project Outcome:

  1. Livelihoods for vulnerable households are improved.
  2. Strategic Outcome: Gender-Women have more influence in the household
  3. Healthy Nutrition practices for vulnerable households with a special focus on pregnant and lactating women (PLW) and children under-5 are improved.

Intermediate Outcome:

  1. Vulnerability to climate change and its effects on livelihood activities is reduced.
  2. Yields of horticulture crops are increased.
  3. Target communities have enhanced market access.

2.1 Women have increased opportunities to contributes positively to household economic activities

2.2 Women's agency in making household decisions are increased with men as allies

3.1 The target communities achieve an increase in both the consumption and expenditure on nutritious food.

3.2 Hygiene practices and household water treatment techniques are improved.

Expected Outputs and Deliverables

  1. Plan and design (including BOQ) for 4 aldeias for the HAFORSA 3 Year 1: In cooperation with the field staff and communities, redesign the plan of water supply systems based on the result of ARAP in 4 aldeias. The revised plan and design including BOQ shall be submitted by 17 May 2024.
  2. Inspection of above water supply systems after completion of construction work: In cooperation with the field staff and communities, inspect the completed construction work including pipelines. If there are any defects in the water supply systems, instruct the field staff and the communities to repair them by 30 September 2024 or after completion of the construction. Submit the inspection report including photos of completed facilities after completing all the inspection and repair works of defects.
  3. Plan and design (including BOQ) for 4 aldeias for the HAFORSA 3 Year 2: In cooperation with the field staff and communities, plan and design small-community infrastructure such as community roads and bridges based on the ARAP conducted in April 2024. The plan and design including BOQ and photos of the sites shall be submitted by 28 May 2024.


Visit 4 target communities of the HAFORSA 3 and conduct the field survey as well as the inspection.

The following points should be considered:

  1. In cooperation with the field staff members and the community members including women and people with disabilities;
  • the possible water source, and
  • the most vulnerable individuals/families in their communities who have their own land or have access to the land, are interested in farming and agree to use their farms as demonstration farms for the entire project period for the drip irrigation systems and organic agriculture according to Ministry of Agriculture and Fishery’s direction.
  1. Conduct water quantity tests to ensure that the water source can supply sufficient water in both rainy and dry seasons.
  2. Make construction plan and design including BOQ, taking into consideration the following conditions:
  • The facility should adopt a universal design that can be used by diverse people in the area, including people living with disabilities.
  • The facility should meet the standard of the Government of Timor-Leste.
  • The water supply system should cover as much of the aldeia's farmlands as possible by creating several distribution points to provide agricultural water for the farmlands.
  • The water distribution system connected to the drip irrigation system should be as simple as possible so that farmers can build and do the maintenance it by themselves.
  • As much as possible, the system should avoid the use of expensive items such as plastic tanks.
  • The small-scale infrastructure should benefit as many people as possible, including people living with disabilities.
  1. Submit the documents/information such as location of the water source and key facilities as well as the small-community infrastructure with photos and GPS data, hydraulic calculation, drawing of the water system, drawing of longitudinal ground, Abney level survey, BOQ etc.
  2. Inspection: Do inspection of the constructed water supply systems when completed.

Experience and Qualifications

  1. Education and experience
  • Minimum relevant Bachelor degree in civil engineering and/or minimum 3-4 years' relevant work experience preferably in the humanitarian or development projects related to rural water supply, preferably with an International Non-Government Organization (INGO) or local organisation in Timor-Leste.
  • Experience in design (BoQ), procurement and monitoring repairs of rural water supply systems in Timor-Leste, following government quality standards.
  1. Skills and abilities
  • Specialised technical knowledge and expertise in water supply design as well as other small-community infrastructure such as community road and bridge.
  • Excellent understanding of participatory methodologies for community mobilization and strong community facilitation skills.
  • Ability to promote collaboration with CITL staff, Government, Local authority, and other partners.
  • Proven understanding of working with an International Non-Government Organisation (INGO) and a willingness to learn about CARE, gender equality and women’s empowerment activities.
  • Fully conversant in Microsoft Office with knowledge in Microsoft Word and Excel and excellent numeric skills and other necessary software for making the construction plans and designs.
  • Fluent oral and written Tetum with written and verbal skills in English and/or verbal skills in Kemak an advantage.
  • Availability to stay in Atsabe, supporting aldeia level activities required.


Interested consultants should submit the following documents to CARE in Timor-Leste. Only successful candidates will be contacted for the interview;

  • CV and one-page response to the key experiences and skills.
  • Work plan and schedule within 3 pages.
  • All-inclusive budget (USD), including consultant's per diem and 10% tax payable to the Government of Timor-Leste.

The consultant will be expected to sign and adhere to CARE’s policies, with a specific focus on CARE’s Code of Conduct and Child Protection policy.

Closing date: 30th April 2024

Please send your proposals and applications no later than close of business Timor-Leste’s Time to “[email protected]

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