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Posted: April 29, 2024

Deadline: May 5, 2024


Consultant - Research for Disaster READY project

Assignment: Research to document the best approaches for the Disaster READY Project to be replicated at scale by the government or other partners in Timor-Leste

Project: Disaster READY

Position Title: Consultant

Place of Assignment: In-country

Reporting to: Country coordinator of the Disaster READY Project, AHP Consortium in Timor-Leste, working closely with AHP agencies and partner focal points.

Duration: 23.5 working days

Start date: May 2024

End date: June 2024

DR 2.0 Research Purpose: The primary purpose of DRP 2.0 research is to gather evidence, lessons and identify best practice towards the project’s objectives. The research conducted in year one laid the groundwork for the replication and sustainability of the DRP after its full implementation. The year one research also identified challenges that needed to be addressed to maximize impact.

Year two research objective: The overall objective of the research is still to document best practice in regard to effectiveness, efficiency, inclusion, localization, and scalability. However, the year two research will also collect evidence about the implementation of recommendations from the first year research with a particular focus on how the challenges have been addressed. This includes the recommendations for the Community Action Plan (CAP) process to develop Climate Resilience DRR Plans and the Small Scale Climate Resilience Disaster Risk Mitigation Activities (SSDRMA) to be scaled by the government and other partners in the country.

The research aims at responding to the learning questions, focusing on the following areas of inquiry-building on year one research recommendations:

  • What are the views of the community and stakeholders on good practices, approaches, and learnings related to the impact of climate resilience Small Scale Disaster Risk Mitigation Activities (SSDRMA) at the community level? Inclusiveness and effectiveness
  • What are the key successes and evidence in year two regarding the participation of vulnerable groups in community action planning to develop a climate resilience DRR plan? What are the areas of improvement to ensure the most vulnerable community’s needs are/will be integrated into climate resilience and community disaster preparedness action plans (CAP) processes? Inclusiveness
  • What is the current progress and learnings towards having suco DRR plans integrated into municipal-level plans? Localisation
  • What is the level of community and local leaders’ ownership and engagement in the CAP and SSDRMA implementation process? Scalability
  • What is the current status of implementation of the suco DRR plans, and what are the key drivers for cost-effective implementation of DRR plans at the community level? What are the most cost-effective DRR plan activities implemented so far? Effectiveness, efficiency

The Disaster READY Project intends to disseminate comprehensive research findings upon project completion, enabling the government to initiate replication. This approach ensures that any transformations observed in the project locations during the implementation phase can be directly attributed to the DRP’s interventions.

  1. Scope of work and methodology

The research will be conducted at both national and sub-national levels and will cover ten municipalities where the project is implemented: Bobonaro, Dili, Liquisa, Ermera, Oecusse, Ainaro, Lautem, Manatutu, Manufahi, and Viqueque.

The consultant’s role will encompass the following responsibilities:

  • Leading the Research Design: The consultant will spearhead the overall research design, ensuring it aligns with the project’s objectives.
  • Designing Data Collection Tools: The consultant will create both quantitative and qualitative data collection tools to gather relevant information effectively. Tools from the first year will be provided as a reference. The consultant is anticipated to enhance these existing tools or suggest superior alternatives.
  • Overseeing Data Collection and Training: The consultant will manage the data collection process and provide necessary training to staff, partners, and data enumerators from various agencies.
  • Conducting Data Quality Assessments: The consultant will carry out data quality assessments to ensure the reliability and validity of the collected data.
  • Performing Data Analysis: The consultant will analyse both primary and secondary data to extract meaningful insights.
  • Formulating Report and Recommendations: Based on the data analysis, the consultant will formulate a report that includes practical recommendations that can be implemented by different project partners and stakeholders. These recommendations will aim to enhance the project's effectiveness.

Main tasks include:

  • Desk review, including available secondary source documentation and similar research, including baseline conducted by DRP consortium partners, amongst others.
  • Propose suitable research methodology, including sampling framework and sample size, data collection, analysis method and an analysis framework covering the recommendations from year one. The methodology needs to outline the components of scalability, effectiveness, localisation, inclusion in the inception report in both English and Tetum. The data collection process should include, but are not limited to, key informant interviews (KIIs) with representatives from national and subnational governments (civil protection authorities at the national and municipality levels, local authorities including disaster management committees at the municipality, administrative post, and suco-level), local implementation partners, and other selected local DRR actors, as well as focus group discussions with selected community members from selected locations.
  • Tools to be uploaded in the Kobo system by the consultant;
  • Lead internal consultation meetings with the Disaster Ready consortium staff, including during the inception phase, to agree on the expectations, research methodology and work plan;
  • Presentation of the draft inception report in English and Tetum to consortium partners (Focal Points/DRCC members) and incorporation of their inputs in the final inception report
  • Orient the data collectors in Tetum, lead and monitor the data collection process and prepare the draft report in English and Tetum;
  • Present preliminary findings and recommendations to the selected key stakeholders in a validation workshop in Tetum and integrate their inputs into the final report.
  • Produce a final report of no more than 30 pages (excluding references and annexes) in both English and Tetum;
  • Produce a learning brief, including key recommendations in both English and Tetum.
  • Produce a presentation that contains the key findings and recommendations for use with external audiences and stakeholders.

Key deliverables

  • An Inception Report (in both English and Tetum) comprising a comprehensive sampling framework, a data collection and analysis methodology (including ethical considerations) for both primary and secondary data sources, final data collection tools, and a detailed roadmap for the assignment. The country coordinator should review and approve the final inception report after it is presented to the DRCC and key stakeholders.
  • The first draft report (in both English and Tetum) was produced and submitted for initial review by the government, Disaster READY consortium focal points, and consortium staff.
  • Summarise key study findings and recommendations presented to key stakeholders including community members in a validation workshop.
  • Final report (in both English and Tetum) (maximum of 30 pages without annexes) after considering inputs and feedback from AHP agencies and different stakeholders using the prescribe reporting template.

Learning brief (one or two pager) with key recommendations in English and Tetum.

Required Skills and Experience for the Consultant

  • A university degree in social sciences, development studies, statistics, or related field
  • At least five years’ experience in evaluating DRR activities in the Asia-Pacific region and/or Timor-Leste.
  • At least five years’ experience in leading studies, research, evaluation or program learning and adaptive management processes
  • Previous similar experience in Timor-Leste is preferred, especially having conducted at least two similar assignments with similar stakeholders in the country, which would constitute an advantage.
  • Excellent spoken and written communication skills in English are required. Fluency in both spoken and written English and Tetum is preferred.

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