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Posted: March 13, 2024

Deadline: April 5, 2024


Consultancy Services to Conduct a Baseline Survey on “Hasa’e Fornesimentu Sistema Bee ba Agrikultura iha Atsabe (HAFORSA-3)

HAFORSA-3 is a development initiative that builds on the successes and lessons learned from HAFORSA-2. It aims to address various challenges identified through consultations and workshops with key government officials and community members. The project focuses on three main areas: livelihoods, women’s economic empowerment, and nutrition/nutritious practices.


Achievements from HAFORSA-2: The project successfully tackled livelihood challenges by installing agricultural water supply facilities, which enabled year-round agricultural activities and improved horticultural production.

Challenges/Lessons-learnt: Despite increased productivity, sustainable income generation was hindered by limited access to markets and individual farmers’ financial constraints. Group formations faced issues with unclear resource management and motivation.

HAFORSA-3 Strategy: The project plans to connect individual farmers to local markets, broaden income-generating opportunities, and introduce Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs) to support farmers’ investments in agricultural activities.

Women’s Economic Empowerment / Gender Equality:

Achievements from HAFORSA-2: Efforts to raise awareness about gender equality resulted in an enhanced understanding and increased female participation in group activities.

Challenges/Lessons-learnt: Despite progress, women still have limited decision-making power within households, which affects their economic empowerment.

● HAFORSA-3 Strategy: The project will continue to promote gender equality through quota systems, encourage women’s active participation in VSLAs, and provide sessions on equal household management and decision-making.

Nutrition and Nutritious Practices:

Achievements from HAFORSA-2: The project emphasized the importance of a nutritionally balanced diet, with a focus on the nutritional value of harvested vegetables.

Challenges/Lessons-learnt: A lack of knowledge on cooking methods resulted in ineffective nutritional intake of harvested vegetables.

HAFORSA-3 Strategy: The project will focus on improving nutritional practices through education and cooking demonstrations, ensuring that pregnant and lactating women and children under five are well-nourished.

In summary, HAFORSA-3 leverages the achievements and lessons learned from previous projects to address livelihood challenges, empower women economically, and improve nutritional practices in the target communities of Timor-Leste.

Project Goal: Well-being of vulnerable households in rural areas in Atsabe Administrative Post of Ermera Municipality is improved.

For more information about the consultancy, please click the link below:

  1. Proposal requirement

● Postgraduate degree in the technical expertise and areas such as agriculture, agribusiness, community development, or similar relevant field.

● Minimum of five years of experience in conducting baseline surveys, monitoring, and evaluation including designing the methodology and creating the tools.

● Demonstrated experience in:

● Excellent ability to communicate with stakeholders including staff.

● Good understanding of gender equality issues and women’s economic empowerment especially in the context of Timor-Leste is a plus.

● Contextual knowledge of Timor-Leste (preferred)

● Strong project and time management skills

● Strong writing skills in English

● Tetum speaking skills are a strong advantage.

  1. Consultant information and service

Interested applicants should respond to this ToR along with the following:

  • Cover letter outlining interest
  • Technical Proposal demonstrating the proposed initial approach, methodology, and tools. Please limit this to the relevant details
  • Financial Proposal indicating your availability and daily rate.
  • Work Samples including three samples of previous work
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV) detailing your qualifications and experience.
  1. Evaluation Criteria

The selection of the consultant or firm will be based on the following criteria:

Previous Work Experience: This will be evaluated based on the CV provided and the quality of three previous work samples.

Technical Expertise: The methodological and technical aspects of conducting the study will be assessed. This includes expertise in gender issues, women’s economic empowerment, agriculture, and capacity building in monitoring.

Budget: The total budget in the local Nigerian currency will be considered. This should include consultant fees and a detailed breakdown of activity costs.

  1. Guidelines for submission

The deadline for submission is April 5th, 2024, Timor-Leste time.

The expression of interest and financial quote should be emailed to Martinha S. da Costa:  [email protected]

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