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Care International

Posted: April 19, 2024

Deadline: April 24, 2024


Consultancy Baseline Survey on “Hasa’e Fornesimentu Sistema Bee ba Agrikultura iha Atsabe (HAFORSA-3)

The consultant is expected to design and conduct the baseline survey in four aldeias in four sucos in Atsabe post administration.

In order to effectively measure HAFORSA-3’s impact and success, strong and evidence-based baselines are required for the project’s key indicators. This baseline survey is designed to serve as a foundation for tracking the project’s performance over time.

The baseline will specifically gather data for four primary objectives:

  1. To measure pre-implementation status concerning knowledge, attitude, behaviour, and practice, as well as the status of performance indicators.
  2. To confirm indicator targets (see Performance Indicators in Annex A),
  3. To establish baseline values for the impact and key performance indicators.
  4. Provide information that will be useful for designing and planning of the project activities (such as: locally producing products, others to be discussed during the inception phase)
  5. Specific Tasks
  • Conduct a comprehensive desk review of relevant documents, both internal and external, that are linked to the project objective. Develop the methodology, analysis framework, and tools for the baseline survey. This includes the approach to be used, sampling and site selection, details of planned analysis and use of statistical tests, and the proposed survey plan.
  • In consultation with the CARE in Timor-Leste team, develop tools (in both Tetum and English) and associated guidance for the baseline survey.
  • Formulate key questions and criteria for calculating the project's key indicators.
  • Conduct a pre-test of the questionnaire at the control site to ensure its effectiveness.
  • Organize a training session for the HAFORSA-3 Project team and data collectors. The training should cover the overall baseline objectives and process, use of the tools, ethical protocols, and quality assurance.
  • Debrief the CARE in Timor-Leste team on the initial findings, including any challenges encountered and the mitigation strategy employed.
  • Analyze the collected information and data, systematize them, draft the Baseline Survey, incorporate inputs from relevant staff, and submit the final baseline report.
  • Develop a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation that highlights key findings and recommendations from the survey. This will be useful for communicating the results to stakeholders.
  1. Expected Deliverables

By the end of the baseline survey, the following deliverables are expected:

  • Inception report containing a detailed work plan, and others for the entire duration of the consultancy.
  • Weekly progress reports (verbal) should be made by the consultant to CARE in Timor-Leste.
  • Data collection methodology, sampling framework, and tools utilized for collecting information in the field in both English and Tetum.
  • Complete list of sampled districts/areas with accompanying maps
  • Draft report (not exceeding 30 pages)
  • Draft report with inputs from all stakeholders (not exceeding 30 pages)
  • All working files and final dataset including the raw data gathered during the research from different sources.
  • Final Baseline Survey report
  • A short presentation file (PowerPoint file) showing the key findings of the survey and recommendations that can be used by the project team for internal and external engagement.

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