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Posted: May 17, 2024

Deadline: June 20, 2024


Project Management Specialist (Gender Advisor)

Salary: $34,760 - $50,396/year equivalent to FSN-11

The USAID Project Management Specialist (Gender Advisor) is a cross-cutting position located in the Office of General Development, under the supervision of Office of General Development Director. Their chief function is to advise and support the  Mission on complying with the following policies and their successors: the Women’s Entrepreneurship and  Economic Empowerment Act of 2018 (Section 3); U.S. Government and USAID gender equality- and equity related policies and strategies such as, the USAID Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Policy and  ADS 205, the U.S. Strategy on Women, Peace and Security, U.S. Strategy to Prevent and Respond to Gender  Based Violence Globally, U.S. Global Women’s Economic Security Strategy, U.S. Global Strategy to Empower  Adolescent Girls, and the Nondiscrimination for Beneficiaries Policy; and any other relevant and/or related  USAID or U.S. government policies or strategies. The incumbent will work across the Mission to advance these policies through all phases of the Program Cycle, including in strategic planning, activity design and implementation and monitoring, evaluation and learning. Critically, the incumbent will strengthen the capacity of Mission staff and implementing partners to actualize these policies. The incumbent will work closely with the Mission’s CORs/AORs/Activity Managers, technical advisors and other staff to 1. support, manage, facilitate or conduct gender analyses and integration of results into the Mission’s work, including but not limited to, strategy development and program/activity solicitation and design; and 2. support implementation of gender analysis findings throughout the program cycle, including collection, analysis and reporting of disaggregated data and  other gender-sensitive data to contribute to adaptive management, evidence based decision making, and  proper reporting. The Gender Advisor may serve as COR/AOR or Activity Manager for the Mission’s gender focused awards. Using an intersectional approach, they will help promote equality and equity for women, men, and people of diverse gender identities in USAID’s programming. The Gender Advisor may supervise other FSN(s) with responsibilities relevant to this position description. The Gender Advisor may provide support to other missions which may require travel. The job holder may also be expected to provide field support and engage in other work-related travel.


Policy Advisor and Mission Representation  (60%)

Provide leadership for USAID's participation and involvement in key global gender equality-related campaigns, such as International Women's Day, International Day of the Girl Child, 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence, etc.Arrange for training and other capacity building activities for the Mission and the Mission’s implementing partners to help ensure compliance with gender-related policies.

Documentation, Reporting and Training   20%

Manage, review, and/or draft Mission responses to reporting related to gender equality, including but not limited to narratives for the annual Performance Plan and Report and Operational Plan. Work with the Program Office Budget Specialist and Activity Managers to appropriately identify budget attributions for activities that support these policies, and to meet gender equality-related earmarks. 

Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning  20%

Advise on Mission Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) efforts to support implementation of gender equality-related policies. Work with technical teams to review project and activity MEL plans and advise on how to ensure requirements such as data-disaggregation, standard F gender and custom gender indicators, and gender-based learning objectives are in place to comply with the relevant policies, including the Foundations for Evidence Based Policy Act, and to measure meaningful results. 


To be considered for the position, a candidate must meet the Minimum Qualifications listed below:

  1. Education: A minimum of a bachelor’s degree or equivalent in social studies, development studies, economics, sociology, gender studies, cultural studies, and political science is required.
  2. Prior Work Experience: Minimum five (5) years of progressive increase in responsibilities in gender equality integration work including gender analysis, and gender integration to project design, implementation, and reporting. 


Instructions for submitting an application.

Interested candidates must submit the following:

  1. Eligible Offerors are required to complete and submit the offer form DS-174. The DS-174 form can be requested to [email protected]
  2. A cover letter of no more than two (2) pages that demonstrates how the candidates' qualifications meet the work requirements.
  3. A national ID card or passport must be attached to the application letter.
  4. Third Country National (TCNPSC) must attach a valid work permit. To ensure consideration of offers for the intended position, Offerors must prominently reference the Solicitation number in the offer submission.


Applications must be addressed to:

Human Resources Office

Address: USAID/Timor-Leste, Travessa Sérgio Vieira de Melo, Farol, Dili, Timor-Leste

Or via email to [email protected]

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