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Posted: April 27, 2024

Deadline: June 20, 2024


Project Management Specialist (Democracy & Governance).

$34,760 - $50,396 per year, equivalent to FSN-11

The USAID Project Management Specialist (Governance) is located within the Office of General Development (OGD) of the United States Agency for International Development/Timor-Leste (USAID/Timor-Leste) and serves as a principal assistant and advisor to the United States Direct Hire (USDH) OGD Director and/or designee. The incumbent promotes an inclusive, prosperous, and healthy Timor-Leste that is more self-reliant and the Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS)'s development objectives.

Major Duties and Responsibilities

Program Management and Monitoring (60%)

  • Serves as a Contracting or Agreement Officer’s Representation (COR/AOR), Alternate COR/AOR and/or Activity Manager with responsibility for financial and management oversight, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of assignments to ensure contracts and grants achieve anticipated results, and are linked to and enhance attainment of OGD, Mission and U.S. Government (USG) objectives.
  • Leads program and activity designs and performs assessments/studies/research requiring independent analysis and interpretation, on a regular and recurring basis; studies and research are cross-cutting and include substantive and often sensitive topics.
  • Briefs on findings and makes recommendations to impact strategic, operational and programmatic direction. Also serves as liaison with other specialists.
  • Provides technical oversight to USAID’s Implementing Partners (IPs) to ensure activity work plans and monitoring plans are relevant and effective and comply with USAID objectives and priorities.
  • Advises regarding local matters of importance related to the ongoing and planned governance portfolio and observations from monitoring activities, and oversight of implementers.
  • Provides input to advance the Mission and USG goals and objectives. Remains current on the economic, political, and social trends of the host government, the host country, and the region.
  • Analyzes trends in relation to impact on USAID assistance, and collaborates with stakeholders to assure synergy and complementarity.
  • Supports a culture of inquiry while engaging in continuous critical reflection of USAID’s assistance and emerging issues and supports innovation and proactive management.
  • As a COR/AOR, Alternate COR/AOR, and/or Activity Manager, the incumbent monitors and reports on developments and assignments strengthening democratic governance and is inclusive of government accountability and institutional effectiveness.
  • Monitors, analyzes, and reports on relevant aspects of host government policy, regulation, and programming, and on development issues.
  • Ensures that performance monitoring systems are in place, and that periodic, reliable measures of portfolio impact are documented.
  • Collects, monitors and maintains performance data. Prepares reports of program/project/activity progress for broad use. Assesses and evaluates progress and/or activities. Periodically reviews the development context and results indicators to identify problems and solutions.
  • As required, conducts site visits to monitor progress, and to provide technical and programmatic recommendations to ensure effective, efficient and judicious use of foreign assistance.

Technical Assistance and Strategic Direction (20%)

  • Coordinates with the host government, civil society, development partners, and implementers to strengthen democratic governance including government accountability and institutional effectiveness. Also, coordinates with other USG agencies regarding technical assistance to the host government.
  • Represents USAID on issues of technical, policy, and strategic planning to the host government, USG interagency, donors, IPs, and advocacy networks.
  • Provides strategic input regarding democracy and governance issues; identifies short-, mid-, and long-range achievable and sustainable strategies for improving programming, and other programs the host-country. Represents USAID at seminars and conferences.
  • Keeps informed of and collaborates with other donors; works with the host government to develop policies that result in improved democracy and governance for strengthened system outcomes; works to harmonize USAID activities to ensure consistency with host government policy and strategy; and ensures that programs/projects/activities are consistent with internationally accepted best practices, and that they are relevant in the host-country context.
  • Participates in substantive discussions regarding design/implementation and matters of development policy with representatives of governments and other organizations, and discusses USAID’s strategy, priorities, while relaying feedback to the Mission through written summaries, presentations in meetings, and/or specific suggestions for action/follow-up.
  • Establishes and maintains contacts and serves as a technical interlocutor with host government officials, IPs, USAID/Washington (USAID/W) and USAID/Timor-Leste, as well as international agencies such as United Nation (UN) agencies, World Bank, and Asia Development Bank.
  • Provides technical guidance for USAID implementers supporting the host government to ensure that activities related to democracy, human rights, governance, civil society, health governance, countering trafficking in persons, rule of law, legislative affairs, countering violent extremism, elections, and political processes in Timor-Leste comply with USAID objectives and priorities, as well as serves as an expert regarding the Timor-Leste context such as history, culture, and socio-political dynamics.

Data Collection and Analysis (20%)

  • Analyzes the host country problems and advises the supervisor of opportunities specifically in the context of democracy and governance.
  • Analyzes how the host government supports Mission objectives and their relevance to broader USG priorities, as well as monitors governance trends and events in Timor-Leste and provides recommendations of how USAID can engage/respond.
  • Represents USAID on technical evaluation committees, and at technical meetings and conferences.
  • Prepares technical and policy analyses, evaluates sectoral issues, and provides input to the Mission activities to strengthen democratic governance including the government accountability and institutional effectiveness in democracy and governance sectors.
  • Summarizes information and conclusions in written and oral form for presentation to USG staff and decision makers. Prepares oral briefings and written material on request and provides translation as needed.
  • Organizes field trips, conferences, and seminars to ensure maximum exposure to emerging trends and various points of view. Prepares written reports to reflect a sound understanding of assigned responsibility that documents a variety of sources and points of view supporting the conclusions and recommendations provided.

Position Elements

  1. Supervision Received: The CCNPSC works under the direct supervision of the USDH – The incumbent reports to the OGD Director or his/her designee.
  2. Supervision Exercised: Full supervision of other USAID staff is not contemplated.
  3. Available Guidelines: Available guidelines include USAID’s Automated Directive System (ADS), Mission Orders, general Agency Notices, USAID’s Procurement Regulations (AIDAR), the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) and other written guideline from USAID/W, Foreign Assistance Reforms, Initiatives and Directives that emanate from regional, central or global USAID offices, and other donor publications and sector analysis.
  4. Exercise of Judgment: The position requires a substantial judgment (discretion) in providing technical opinion and guidance to USG, USAID, and host-government colleagues, IPs, and in representing USAID at public forums. Independent judgment is required for developing, implementing, and managing assigned programs/projects/activities, for reporting, and for other assignments. Substantial judgment is required in analyzing and determining whether or not to recommend approval of proposed programs/projects/activities, in choosing among alternative proposals, and in evaluating and using data. The incumbent exercises the authority given as an Activity Manager, COR/AOR, and/or Alternate COR/AOR, and may make administrative arrangements consistent with ADS guidance and Mission and office policy. Guidance is sought when needed, and superiors informed of activity and project status. Within the scope of the authority delegated, the incumbent may indicate to the ranking counterpart and implementers that they will make a recommendation to USAID on a specific activity, issue, or problem.
  5. Nature, Level, Purpose of Contacts: The incumbent maintains a broad range of contacts with those implementing USAID-funded programs/projects/activities. Contacts may also include other USG agencies and host-government contacts that vary widely with the type of activity implemented. Frequent and substantive personal contacts with the host government and private sector are for the purpose of explaining USAID policies, objectives, and procedures, and to transmit and interpret host-government and private-sector attitudes and concerns to USAID officials. In addition, the incumbent provides technical assistance and guidance on best practices to USG staff, host-government and non-government organizations (NGOs).
  6. Physical Demands/Work Environment: This is primarily a sedentary position and poses few physical demands. The incumbent may be required to visit activities outside Dili.
  7. Authority to Make Commitments: The incumbent has no independent authority to commit the USG to the expenditure of funds. If the incumbent is being assigned as AOR or COR, s/he will have authority and responsibility as delegated in writing by the Regional Office of Acquisition and Assistance (ROAA) to carry out agency grants, contracts, or cooperative agreement support commitments.
  8. Other Requirements: The incumbent must be able to obtain a U.S. Government medical clearance and Employment Authorization or facilities access clearance.

Area of Consideration

Open to Cooperating Country Nationals (Local Nationals) or Individuals legally eligible to work in Timor-Leste.

Minimum Qualifications Required for This Position

To be considered for the position, a candidate must meet the Minimum Qualifications listed below.

A. Education: A bachelor’s degree in international development, Public Policy, Public Administration, Economics, Trade, Social Science, and Government is required.

B. Prior Work Experience: A minimum of five (5) years professional experience in strengthening and promoting democratic governance systems, policies, international development, and/or related areas is required. At least three years of the experience must include managing complex governance programs/projects/activities.

C. Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities: A professional knowledge of development principles, concepts, and practices, relating to governance and democracy regionally, and in Timor-Leste, and the problems and policies in the host country from the business, political, civil society, and social perspectives is required.

Must be able to demonstrate a knowledge of the economic, political, social, and cultural characteristics of the host country; development problems throughout the governance sector in the host country and the region; an understanding of the resources, resource constraints, and overall development prospects and priorities of the host country and the region.

A knowledge of USG legislation, policy, and practice relating to democracy and governance assistance, of USAID policies, regulations, procedures, and documentation, and of the objectives, methodology, and status of assigned activities is required.

Must be able to understand, analyze and interpret complex data, public policies and able to assist in the development of policies and work plans.

Must be able to work under pressure and quickly produce results while navigating politically sensitive issues.

Excellent writing skills are required to prepare regular and ad-hoc report, technical briefing papers, and document foreign assistance efforts.

Must have managerial and coordination skills to work with diverse groups of team members and stakeholders as well as be responsible for multiple taskers and actions items simultaneously.

Must have excellent verbal and interpersonal communication skills, tact, networking and diplomacy to establish and sustain working relations and a high level of trust with government officials, public, private, and multilateral organizations.

Must be proficient in Microsoft Office, Google Suite, and/or Google Applications.

Must be able to effectively learn and use Agency specific software related to the portfolio.

Must be a motivated self-starter who can manage his/her own time while balancing multiple priorities to complete assignments in a timely manner.

Must be able to obtain a fit to travel clearance and able to travel frequently within the country and internationally.

Must be flexible, adaptable, and committed to respond calmly in situations and adjust to volatile and rapidly changing conditions while maintaining professionalism and commitment to USAID standards and values.

Evaluation and Selection Factors

Applications that do not meet the required minimum qualifications will not be scored.

Candidates meeting the above required qualifications for the position will be evaluated based on information presented in the application. USAID reserves the right to conduct written examinations and interviews with the top ranked short-listed candidates. If the interview is conducted, it will be one of the determining factors in the final selection.

Candidates will be evaluated and ranked based on the following selection criteria:

A. Education (20): A bachelor’s degree in international development, Public Policy, Public Administration, Economics, Trade, Social Science, and Government is required.

B. English Language Proficiency: Pass when the minimum score is 75 and fail if below.

C. Other PMS written exams if required and provided by the TEC.

D. Job knowledge (40): A professional knowledge of development principles, concepts, and practices, relating to governance and democracy regionally, and in Timor-Leste, and the problems and policies in the host country from the business, political, civil society, and social perspectives is required.

E. Skills, and Abilities (40): Must be able to understand, analyze and interpret complex data, public policies and able to assist in the development of policies and work plans.

Total Application Rating: 100 points

Total Possible Points: 200 points if the interview is conducted.

Applicants who meet the Minimum Qualifications and Basic Eligibility Criteria will be further evaluated in accordance with the Applicant Rating System. Applicants are required to address each factor of the Applicant Rating System in their resume, describing specifically and accurately what experience, training, education and/or awards they have received as it pertains to each factor. Failure to address the selection factors and/or Applicant Rating System factors may result in not receiving credit for all pertinent experience, education, training and/or awards.

The applicants determined to be competitively ranked may also be evaluated on writing test, interview performance and satisfactory professional reference checks.

USAID/Timor-Leste will not pay for any expenses associated with the interviews and writing test. Reference checks will be conducted for the finalists. Please be advised that references may be obtained independently from other sources in addition to the ones provided by an applicant.

Instructions for Submitting an Application

Interested candidates must submit the following:

1. Offer Form DS-174

Eligible Offerors are required to complete and submit the offer form DS-174. The DS174 form can be requested to [email protected].

2. Cover Letter

A cover letter of no more than two (2) pages that demonstrates how the candidates' qualifications meet the work requirements as follows:

  • Education: how a candidate's education level meets the minimum requirements.
  • Work Experience: how a candidate's prior (relevant) work experience meets the minimum work experience requirements to successfully perform the duties mentioned above.

3. Curriculum Vitae (CV)

A curriculum vitae (CV) which describes education and career experiences and achievements. To fully evaluate each application, every CV must include:

  • Paid and non-paid experience: job title, location(s), dates held (month/year), and hours worked per week for each position. Dates (month/year) and locations for all field experience must also be detailed. Any experience that does not include dates (month/year), locations, and hours per week will not be counted towards meeting the solicitation requirements.
  • Specific duties performed: fully detailing the level and complexity of the work.
  • Education and other qualifications: including job-related training courses, job-related skills, or job-related honors, certificates, awards, or accomplishments.

4. National ID Card or Passport

A national ID card or passport must be attached to the application letter.

5. Work Permit (for Third Country Nationals)

Third Country National (TCNPSC) must attach a valid work permit.


To ensure consideration of offers for the intended position, Offerors must prominently reference the Solicitation number in the offer submission.

Where to Apply

Applications must be addressed to: Resources Office
Address: USAID/Timor-Leste, Travessa Sergio Vieira de Melo, Farol, Dili, Timor-Leste
Or via email to [email protected]

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