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Plan International

Posted: Feb. 24, 2024

Deadline: March 1, 2024


Consultant for Production of the advancement of children, adolescent and youth’s rights to SRHR

Production of the advancement of children, adolescent and youth’s rights to SRHR, their participation and the equality for girls.

The video will highlight the key aspects of the project, including its mission, interventions and success stories from different actors of agent of change on how the SRHR project bring positive social change to community at all levels particularly Adolescent & Youth with all the diversity, Early pregnancy mothers, Parents, Teachers (Ministry of Education), Religious leader, Service providers (Ministry of Health) and Civil Society organizations. This video will be displayed across different media channels and events organised by Plan International and its partners include civil society organizations (implementing and non-implementing partners) as well as relevant government institutions. Moreover, the video will be used to give an overview of Plan International and civil society organizations (FADA, TALATA & NAFOFILA)’s intervention to prevent Child, Early Marriage and Pregnancy and Sexually Transmitted Infections diseases.

Specific activities under the scope

  • Draft the storyline/storytelling/scripts for the videos (Agent of change on SRHR) and finalise those with inputs from PITL.
  • Translate the scripts to English, voice-over and texts as required.
  • Translate the scripts/voice over/videos to Sign Language.
  • Conduct filming in factories for collecting interviews and footages as per the script under the guidance/in close collaboration with PITL and CSOs partners in Aileu and Ainaro.
  • Take aerial footages using drones after securing necessary permission from the authorities.
  • Edit videos, create motion graphic elements and incorporate subtitles/narrations and voice-over.
  • Arrange a viewing of the first draft of the video and animation to incorporate feedbacks as necessary to produce the final outputs.
  • Filming/recording key actors of agent of change storytelling based on the Outcomes;

3 Adolescent and Youth with all the diversity (boys & girls)

1 Teenage mother

2 Parents (Male & Female)

1 Teacher (Male)

1 Religious Leader (Male/Female)

2 Health providers

1 CSOs representative

1 PITL staff

  • Submit all the deliverables within the time-frame set out in the contract.

Technical specifications:

Justice, Equality and Freedom of Adolescent and Youth on Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights video

  • Length: 3:00-5:00 minutes
  • Language: English (Text/subtitle), Tetun (Voice over & storytelling) and Sign Language (Voice over & storytelling)
  • Filming requirement: 5-7 Days (Dili, Aileu & Ainaro)
  • Aerial footages required.
  • No copyright track sound: Yes
  • Subtitle: Yes
  • Use our highlight straight rectangle to increase legibility of key words or subtitle phrases;
  • Use Poppins bold for any onscreen graphics, messaging, information including name, age and country.  Arial for subtitles, URL and caption credit .
  • Always use Swedish Government and Plan International logo with global strapline and meaningful hashtag on the end of screen.
  • Always use blur back ground when interview children under age, except friendly back ground;(Eg Garden, library or any Plan visibility )
  • Format: 1920 x 1080 pixels
  • Graphic elements: Motion graphics elements will be used.
  • The shooting should be done with a professional ENG camcorder, digital cinematography or DSLR cameras. The sound should be recorded with a professional microphone and interviews should be recorded with a tie microphone on a boom.

Time-frame and deadlines

The assignment is for a period of four weeks (1 month max) from the date of signing a contract. Draft scripts/production schedule should be presented for approval no later than one (1) week after signing of the contract.

Required qualifications and experience

Minimum Eligibility Criteria:

  1. The firm/individual must have a minimum of five (5) years’ experience in producing broadcast standard video products.
  2. Experience of having At-least 3 similar productions. Please provide links to three work samples.
  3. Excellent technical capacities to ensure smooth and high-quality production.

The director/creative director (for video production) must have at least six (4-5) years of experience in leading broadcast standard videos.

The video editor must have at least six (5) years of experience in video editing. Please provide the team composition (Include the CVs) for each of the assessments.

  1. The firm must have access to required equipment to produce broadcast standard video products
  2. Please provide a brief specification of the equipment proposed to be used for the production (owned or hired)
  3. The vendor must provide licence copy
  4. Details of estimated budget
  5. References

Copyrights & utilization rights

The copyright of all video materials produced (raw and edited) taken during the assignment will belong to Plan Timor-Leste.

Key Relationship:

Children Adolescent and Youth with all the diversity, Parents, Teachers, Religious Leader, Civil Society Organizations, Plan Communication team, Health Providers, Teen mother and SRHR project team.

Submission of Proposals

Proposals must be submitted No Later than 01 March 2024 to the email address [email protected] cc [email protected]

or Plan International Office, Rua de Nú Laran No. 7, Nain Feto, PO Box 246, Dili Timor-Leste.

** Technical proposals must not exceed three pages (excluding CVs of team members).


Narrative and Financial (Budget) Proposal

Previous experience with similar work (proved by attached sample video or share the link of YouTube channel)

Skills and experience of the specific staff on the project

Evaluation of the work examples provided

Completion of tasks specified in ToR

Compliance with the established deadlines for submission of deliverables

Quality of work

Demonstration of high standards of work with PLAN International

Fund availability for Video production

Budget allocation for Video production is around 2,000.00 – 3,000.00 USD only.

Tentative Payment Schedule


Payment in (%)

Upon submission of storyline, and approval by PITL


Upon submission of first output, and feedbacks by PITL


Upon submission of final output, and approval by PITL


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