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Peace Corps

Posted: May 8, 2024

Deadline: May 17, 2024


Language and Cultural Facilitator Consultant

Minimum Requirements:

At a minimum, the successful candidate’s CV should demonstrate the following: • Education/Certification: High School Diploma • Years of Experience: 2 Years of experience in teaching • Native speaker of Tetun • Proficient in written and spoken English • Experience working in a cross-cultural environment. Good organization, clarity of thought, and engaging use of language in written and spoken expressions in Tetum

PST Language and Cultural Facilitators (LCFs) work to develop basic Tetum communication skills among Peace Corps Trainees during a 3-month intensive training program. The LCFs also help Trainees to integrate into the community culturally. They work with a small group of Trainees throughout the duration of Pre-Service Training (PST) at a training site outside of Dili. They conduct language training classes within the Peace Corps Competency-based curriculum framework, and effectively uses a variety of language training techniques, methodologies, and activities. The LCFs are responsible for the implementation and monitoring of daily language classes, as well as the assignments of the trainees. They act as a resource person and provide written feedback in the evaluation of the training program and the overall assessment of Trainees’ performance. LCFs also work closely with the Language and Cross-Cultural Coordinator (LCC) to design, plan, deliver, and evaluate cross-cultural training activities. The activities of the LCFs are coordinated by the Language and Cross-Cultural Coordinator (LCC) and under the overall supervision of the Training Manager (TM).

This is a short-term contracted position and requires the LCFs to: • Stay and work full time at the training site (Gleno). • Attend Training of Trainers for three weeks • Teach 3 - 5 hours of language instruction daily. Note that work includes teaching a half-day on Saturdays, while Sundays are off. • Prepare lessons, teaching materials and interactive lessons in the afternoons

Salary: This position is paid at a daily rate for days worked only, starting at $36.83 USD to $53.40 USD per day, depending on experience and salary history, with a total period of performance not to exceed 90 days. Housing and meals may be provided at the training site via allowance or provision by Peace Corps during the Pre-Service Training period. No other benefits are provided.

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