Posted: April 27, 2024

Deadline: May 10, 2024


Municipal Engineering Coordinator Bobonaro

Locally Engaged Staff – applicants must have existing right to live and work in Timor-Leste.  Visa support is not available for this role. 

Program Background

The Partnership to Strengthen Village Development and Municipal Administration (PARTISIPA) is a 10-year Australian Government investment (2021-2031) that supports the Government of Timor-Leste to improve access and quality of basic infrastructure and services at the subnational (municipal, administrative post and suco / village) level. PARTISIPA works together with Government of Timor-Leste partners through government systems, and in-line with government policies and priorities.

The overall program goals are:

  • To strengthen government institutions to deliver quality services that are accessible to all;
  • To support the resilience of communities through broad-based participation, economic opportunity, and improved village infrastructure

These overall goals are advanced through the following four program components:

  1. Support to PNDS (Programa Nasional Dezenvolvimentu Suku or National Program for Village Development)
  2. Municipal level support
  3. Rural water
  4. Subnational roads

Further details about PARTISIPA are available in the project summary sheet, which can be downloaded from the link below:


About DT Global

DT Global is shaping a future where sustainable development and innovation empower individuals, communities, and nations. We work in partnership with local stakeholders to foster inclusive prosperity, social equity, and environmental stewardship. Our global team of 2,500 staff and experts work in over 90 countries to solve complex problems in the peacebuilding, governance, economic development, environment, and human development sectors. With a track record of technical excellence and more than 60 years of international development experience and relationships, we deliver innovative solutions that transform lives.

The Role

  • Contribute to the successful implementation of Government sub-national road program annual work plans. 
  • Drawing on field experience and knowledge of municipal capabilities and ways-of-working, give technical and strategic feedback to PARTISIPA on opportunities for improving the delivery of the Government’s sub-national road program and for it to move to supporting more efficient and effective sustainable sub-national road connectivity. 
  • Provide information and suggestions to inform the preparation of PARTISIPA’s road management capacity strengthening support for municipal PW departments. Day-to-day delivery of technical capacity strengthening support.  
  • Help the Road Component team build relationships and engage on road management matters with municipal decision-makers.
  • Ensure municipal-level coordination across the roads and other components of PARTISIPA, and with relevant development and private sector actors, enabling operational collaboration, maximing synergies, and optimising PARTISIPA’s value add.  

Click on the link or copy paste it to access the full Terms of Reference for this position:


About You

  • Formal qualification in civil engineering, with a focus on transport infrastructure, including roads.
  • Experience with the development of road assessment and designs from the pre-feasibility study stage through to being ready to tender for construction, and on to procurement, supervision, contract administration, hand-over, and defects liability administration.
  • Experience in roads costing estimates, programming / planning, procurement and contracting.
  • Experience working within and developing the capacity of local government engineering teams delivering road works.
  • Willingness to help trial and demonstration innovations in construction techniques, equipment, materials, and technology to improve construction outcomes and efficiency.
  • Willingness to become familiar with and committed to Australian aid and GoTL GEDSI policies, standards and commitments, and to relevant road sector safeguard issues, specifically child protection and SEAH, and to other social and environmental safeguards.
  • Detailed understanding of safety and environmental protection on roads programs.
  • Good interpersonal skills.


PARTISIPA is a friendly, cohesive and supportive workplace with over 130 staff working as technical advisers, engineers, finance specialists, operations, administration and logistics personnel. The team works directly with national government counterparts and subnational government partners across all municipalities, with staff permanently based in 12 municipalities.

Applications can be submitted to [email protected]

Please submit
1) Your CV
2) A cover letter addressing each of the essential and desirable selection criteria (no more than 3 pages)

APPLICATIONS CLOSE May 10th, 2024 – 5pm Dili (GMT+9) time

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PARTISIPA Engineer Australia

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