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Millenium Challenge Corporation (MCC) USA

Posted: Feb. 20, 2024

Deadline: Feb. 27, 2024


Gender and Social Inclusion Director

The Director of Gender and Social Inclusion (GSI) will serve as a member of the MCA Timor-Leste Management Team by providing intellectual and technical leadership in gender and social inclusion during the implementation of the Compact. Key tasks associated to this position:

  • Provide guidance and oversight to ensure that gender equality and social inclusion (meaning outreach to poor and under-served populations) are integrated across contracts and Compact activities in order to enhance the social benefits of the Compact and promote sustainable development.
  • Ensure that Compact projects and activities comply with MCC’s Gender Policy, Inclusion and Gender Strategy, Counter-Trafficking in Persons (C-TIP) Policy, and Gender Integration Guidelines.
  • Serve as a key point of contact for implementing entities, other institutional stakeholders, civil society and non-governmental organizations, and project affected parties on all issues related to gender and social integration in the compact program.
  • Maintain current and complete files of all necessary project documents and records.
  • Represent MCA-Timor-Leste in the media, at public events and in stakeholder outreach and perform other tasks, as assigned by the Executive Director or Deputy Executive Director.
  • Supervise and support the WSD and TALENT GSI Specialists, ensuring they successfully support the development and implementation of the Social and Gender Integration Plan (SGIP) in the corresponding projects.

Development and implementation of the Social and Gender Integration Plan:

  • Develop and implement a Social and Gender Integration Plan (SGIP) that incorporates relevant social and gender analyses and inputs into all projects and activities.
  • Oversee the implementation by contractors of relevant poverty, social, and gender analyses, outreach strategies and protection measures.
  • Conduct annual reviews and update the SGIP to reflect changes and evolutions in the Compact.
  • As a part of the SGIP, develop a plan to increase awareness and capacity for social and gender integration among all MCA staff and sector specialists throughout project development and implementation.
  • Before Compact closure, prepare a final review of the SGIP and a report that highlights achievements and lessons learned throughout Compact implementation with respect to social and gender integration.

Integrate GSI in project processes:

  • Ensure that each compact activity fully complies with Timor-Leste's laws and regulations, MCC’s Gender Policy and Gender Guidelines, and relevant portions of the IFC Performance Standards.
  • Develop and/or provide input into Terms of Reference and Scopes of Work for Compact program contractors to ensure that their work is aligned with the gender and social inclusion goals in the program agreement and in compliance with MCC’s procurement guidelines, Gender Policy and Gender Integration Guidelines. Participate in Technical Evaluation Panels, as appropriate.
  • Ensure that all terms of reference, procurement documents and contracts provide appropriate gender and social measures, including the collection and analysis of relevant gender and social data, the protection of women and disadvantaged social groups, and other equity considerations.
  • Manage and support consultants and/or contractors and work with implementing entities to ensure that gender, social inclusion, and poverty reduction are fully integrated into projects and activities.
  • Review deliverables for all projects to ensure that social and gender issues are sufficiently integrated and that there is adequate planning, budget, and staff resources for social and gender analytical work.

Collaborate with other MCA colleagues to ensure gender and social integration throughout the Compact. This includes but is not limited to the following:

  • Work with project leads in WSD and TALENT Projects to ensure project design and implementation has fully integrated gender and inclusion throughout project activities. In particular, provide technical support to the WSD efforts regarding the Cost Recovery Plan and social and behavior change efforts, as well as the gender-components of the TALENT Project, especially in support of the Women’s Economic Empowerment in Education (WEEE) sub-activity.
  • Collaborate with the Environment and Social Performance (ESP) Director and Communications Officer in the development and implementation of the Compact’s consultative process and information, education, and communications activities, integrating gender and social considerations to target messages appropriately and increase the effectiveness of information dissemination and collection.
  • Work with Monitoring and Evaluation staff to ensure that data collection is age-, income, and sex-disaggregated with gender-responsive indicators, data collection and monitoring tools.
  • Proactively identify opportunities to strengthen the impact of the compact program or improve the distribution of its benefits and work closely with contractors, implementing entities, and other stakeholders to implement necessary changes.

Risk Identification and Management:

  • Lead the identification and classification of risks associated with social and gender issues in the compact program; develop mitigation and response measures; and continuously monitor risks throughout the implementation of the compact program.
  • In collaboration with the ESP Director, ensure that Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIAs) and Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMPs) pay adequate attention to social and gender issues and risks of proposed projects as well as to Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and Trafficking in Persons (TIP).
  • Support Counter-Trafficking in Persons (C-TIP) risk assessment in accordance with MCC policy. Support development and implementation of TIP risk implementation plans as necessary. Ensure that relevant language regarding MCC’s C-TIP policy is included in all bidding and contract documents.
  • Ensure that all contracts include appropriate language on the prevention and handling of sexual harassment, assault and abuse cases and work with other relevant staff to ensure appropriate training and support is provided to contractors and implementing entities in the Government of Timor-Leste
  • Collaborate with the ESP Director to ensure that stakeholder consultations are carried out actively seeking to engage women and other vulnerable groups and that their input is included in project design and implementation through the SGIP and other ESP documents.

Requirements (Education, Experience, Technical Competencies):

  • Advanced University Degree in social sciences or a related discipline (e.g. anthropology, sociology, women’s studies, public policy, community development, developmental economics, etc.)
  • 7 years of experience leading the integration of social inclusion, gender, and poverty reduction efforts in programs of a similar nature, in an international development context. Demonstrated similar experience in Timor-Leste is an advantage.
  • Demonstrated experience using participatory development approaches, gender monitoring and evaluation and working closely with civil society, NGOs, government, private sector, CBOs and other relevant stakeholders.
  • Demonstrated experience in developing and managing program budgets, work plans, and contracts to ensure compliance.
  • Ability to work with multidisciplinary teams and institutions and interact constructively with project managers, technical experts, government officials, people affected by Compact projects, and civil society. Prior experience working with Timorese stakeholders is an advantage.
  • Knowledge of Timorese policies, laws, and regulations relevant to social aspects of water, sanitation, and education.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English; ability to speak Tetum (lingua franca) and/or read Portuguese (legal language) are advantageous.
  • Prior experience in the education and/or water and sanitation sectors.
  • Responsible and flexible attitude and capable of managing a variety of tasks with minimal supervision.
  • Organized and results oriented, with ability to translate Compact strategy and objectives into tasks and work plans.
  • Skilled in building consensus among employees and developing strong relationships with outside stakeholders.
  • Able to identify and propose solutions to mitigate and manage risks.
  • Strong negotiator.

These employment opportunities are open to all eligible candidates regardless of their nationalities, race, ethnicity, gender and religion. Timorese Nationals are strongly encouraged to apply. All positions will be based on Dili, Timor-Leste. Competitive compensation package will be provided.

Detailed information on the vacancies, position descriptions (PDs), and requirements (education, experience, competencies) can be viewed on How to apply: applications must be submitted in English and online on E-mail applications will not be considered.

Applications documents must include: 1). A CV of no more than 3 pages describing the candidate's qualifications and experience related to the PDs; 2). Electronic copy of the relevant Academic Certificate(s); and 3). A list of 3 professional references (including at least 1 former supervisor), including name, title, relationship with the candidate, telephone number, and e-mail address.

To ensure equal opportunity and neutrality, application documents should not include details related to: age, marital status, political and religious affiliation, family information.

*Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for further recruitment phase. Short-listed candidates will be expected to submit samples of relevant past work assignments and demonstrate English proficiency when applicable. All selected candidates will undergo rigorous reference and security checks, results of which will form the basis for the final hiring decisions.

*For any queries, please contact: [email protected] **

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