Deadline: March 27, 2025
Marie Stopes International (MSI) is the leading sexual and reproductive health care provider working in over 37 countries. MSI's mission is to ensure every child is a wanted child, and that individuals have a choice on whether to get pregnant and for those wanting to delay or space their pregnancies, choice in what family planning methods they can access.
As part of Marie Stopes International Timo-Leste's (MSITL) Senior Management Team and under the direction of the MSITL Country Director (CD), the Pillar One Manager will lead, manage and grow the Outreach, PSS, and MS Ladies service delivery channels in line with the strategic goals, priorities and MSITL business plans.
Submit a cover letter and CV with 3 references and education certificates to [email protected] with subject line FirstnameLastname_Position appliedfor.
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NGO International Manager Health & medicine Senior-levelHakarak simu vaga servisu foun liu hosi e-mail?