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Care International

Posted: Feb. 6, 2024

Deadline: March 6, 2024


Consultancy for a Gender Power Analysis for the HAFORSA 3 Project


Consultancy for a Gender Power Analysis for the HAFORSA 3 Project

  1. Background information

About CARE

CARE is an international development and humanitarian organisation that has been working in Timor-Leste since 1994. With programmes that extend across all parts of the country, CARE works with partners to save lives, defeat poverty, and achieve social justice.

CARE works with remote, rural communities and civil society partners to combat gender inequality, as this has been shown to be one of the most effective ways to create sustainable development outcomes. 

Ensuring well-being and a voice for women and girls in rural, disadvantaged areas is at the heart of CARE’s work. This is achieved in four priority areas of Education, Women’s Economic Empowerment, Health, and promoting Women’s Voice in society through development and humanitarian programmes.

About the Project

The project aims to improve livelihoods in four villages in Atsabe, with the following two main outcomes;

1) Livelihood support: To enable farmers to grow vegetables during the dry season, and to establish a foundation to link farmers to the market in order to promote vegetable sales in the future. Specifically, the following activities will be implemented: improving agricultural water facilities, capacity building of water management committees, training on vegetable cultivation techniques, establishment of Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs), and market research.

2) Women's Economic Empowerment: In addressing 1), access to financial services will be promoted so that women can have a positive impact on household finances. Specifically, the VSLAs will be established to provide financial services, and activities such as gender equality training involving spouses will be conducted.

Purpose of the Proposal

CARE in Timor-Leste is seeking the service of a qualified international or national consultant to undertake a comprehensive gender power analysis align with CARE Good Practice Framework on gender analysis in the project area of intervention, with practical recommendations and a clear and implementable gender action plan for the project.

  1. Proposal requirement

● To identify key issues contributing to gender inequalities in the project target area, that could hinder project objectives and outcomes.

● To explore how gendered power relations in the project area contribute to discrimination and exclusion in society, particularly when underlaid with other areas of marginalisation due to class, ethnicity, age, disability status and sexuality.

● To investigate gender inequalities and harmful social and cultural norms related information of specific areas of inquiry and provide clear recommendations on how the project can address gender relations within the current design, and within existing resources.

● Explore sex disaggregated information relevant to the project outcomes and implementation status in Timor-Leste, cultural norms, values and practices related to gender and information about lived experiences, attitudes and opinions of critical groups and actors in the context

● To understand how gender and social norms and beliefs affect labour divisions as well as influence women's participation in decision making in the agriculture sector. 

● To understand how the differences that gender, social norms, and beliefs bring to men and women's access to farmland, farm tools, financial services, and markets affect household economic activity.

● To understand how gender and social norms and beliefs affect the nutritional status of pregnant and lactating women and girls in particular.

● To work with the HAFORSA 3 team and GPQ unit to propose actions that the program can implement to address the gaps and challenges identified by this study that are aligned with the project design and existing resourcing.

For more information about the consultancy, please visit this link:

  1. Consultant information and service

Interested parties are to fill in information and services including:

  • Cover letter outlining Proposed cost of services
  • Samples of past work/products
  • Experience
  • Proof of technical skills to complete your project
  • Proven success with other similar organization or projects
  1. Evaluation Criteria

Necessary skills and experience required:

● Research skills (design, coordination, document review, interview, analysis, and reporting in English)

● Gender equality skills (clear understanding of the key dynamics relating to gender and power)

● Strong understanding of CARE’s approach to gender equality

● Training, mentoring/ coaching skills and experience

● Preferably some former experience/ knowledge relating to the Timor-Leste context

● Preferably some experience/ knowledge relating to agriculture sector and farming groups

● Good team skills, strong communication, and ability to manage multiple priorities in a complex setting, good time management and attention to deadlines.

● Strong written English skills, tetum language skills are highly desired.

  1. Guidelines for submission

The deadline for submission is March 6th, 2024, Timor-Leste time.

The expression of interest and financial quote should be emailed to Martinha S. da Costa:  [email protected]

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