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Conservation International

Posted: July 12, 2024

Deadline: July 19, 2024


Video Production of Success Story and Lesson Learnt

The objective of the video production component is to create engaging and impactful videos, including testimonials from beneficiaries, a Panorama solution overview, and a success story about project implementation and lessons learned. These videos aim to effectively communicate the goals and impact of the project.

Scope of the work

  • Video Production: This includes creating testimonial videos, a PANORAMA solution overview video, and a success story video about project implementation and lessons learned.
  • Collaborating with the project team to fully understand the objectives and concept of the videos.
  • Providing regular updates and seeking feedback from the project team to ensure alignment with the project's vision.
  • Identifying and securing appropriate filming locations, props, and talent for the video shoot.
  • Delivering the final videos in the required format and resolution, ready for distribution across various platforms and channels.

Key Tasks:

The range of videography services required may include the following:

  • Products: informational videos/films; video testimonial from beneficiaries, a Panorama solution – success story about the project implementation; (ranging 30 seconds to 10 minutes in length)
  • Develop the concept, detailed scenarios, story board and script, if requested, in consultation with CI-TL communications team
  • Record voiceover
  • Film interviews
  • Film new footage as needed to complete the videos
  • Film scripted scenes
  • Edit footage
  • Produce first cuts for review
  • Provide revision cuts based on CI-TL and other stakeholder's feedback
  • Subtitle films if required
  • Film and edit sign language interpretation if required
  • Produce final cuts for each film
  • Export the files in formats as requested, including those needed for Facebook, YouTube, and TV broadcast
  • Any other tasks deemed necessary to complete the assignment

Estimated Timeline

The consultant is required to Complete the Videos, Short Film and Testimony by the End of 30 November 2024

1. Location

This position is based in Dili with frequent travel to project sites at Liquica Municipality.

2. Skills and Experience

  • Proven experience in producing impactful and engaging videos with social or humanitarian themes.
  • Proven Ability to film broadcast quality video and audio: HD 1920 x 1080 or better resolutions.
  • Have good skill in video editing and related software's
  • Have knowledge of converting of video files from multiple formats.
  • Have online video publishing and file transfer skills.
  • Have working knowledge of publishing on social media sites.
  • High experience (five years or more) of working with video production.
  • Strong communication and collaboration skills to work effectively with the project team.
  • Understanding of the sensitivities and nuances surrounding religious freedom and human rights issues.

3. Proposal submission

  • Consultant must submit a detailed financial proposal (quotation) based on the lump sum amount for video production as per TOR requirement.
  • Curriculum Vitae indicating all experience from similar projects, as well as the contact details (email and telephone) of the candidate.
  • List of high-quality equipment owned by the applicant that will be used for the project.
  • List with links showcasing experience in producing videos.

4. Budget

Interested consultants are requested to submit a detailed budget proposal outlining all anticipated costs, including pre-production, production, post-production, and any additional expenses.

5. Evaluation Criteria

Proposals will be evaluated based on the consultant's experience and expertise, the quality of previous work, the proposed budget, and adherence to the project's objectives. We look forward to receiving proposals from talented and passionate Video production Consultants to contribute to the success of the project in Timor-Leste.

Submitted offers will be reviewed on a rolling basis and selection made according to the following criteria: Technical proposal based on specific criteria such as Clarity, comprehensiveness, and coherence in the presentation and Quality of the financial offer: realism of the proposed costs, adequacy between the budget and the technical offer. Consultant's availability and ability to work within the timeframe provided.

Note: CI-TL will provide content for the materials and additional resources such as logos, a map, and existing videos and photos.

Please send queries and applications to Conservation International Timor-Leste through email to: [email protected]

The submission deadline: Friday, 19 July, 2024

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Communications Conservation International Video & Photo Mid-level

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