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Child Fund

Posted: April 1, 2024

Deadline: April 12, 2024


Project Field Assistant - Liquica - Early Development and intervention for Children (EDIC)

USD$400 per month with other Benefit

This position will be mainly responsible for the successful implementation and monitoring of the community CBPS centres activities working under the supervision of the Education Project Coordinator. You will provide on-going support supervision to the EDIC Facilitators and SMC members including ensure timely collection data on children’s participation and learning. You will support relevant partners/or work closely with SMC in delivery of community education sessions. You will confirm to ChildFund’s project requirements and standard of community base preschool programming and donor compliance. This project is implemented in two municipalities: Lautem and Liquica.


  • Responsible for the implementation, supervision, and monitoring of the Early Development and Intervention (EDIC) project in Liquica Municipalities.
  • Work or liaise with relevant stakeholders (MoE, Community leaders and local authority) at Liquica municipality.
  • Support the SMC to implement school improvement plan base on the SMC guideline.
  • Responsible for the successful implementation of School improvement plan (SIP)
  • Prepare activity reports and monitoring formats and submit to the Education Project Coordinator.
  • Participate in the preparation of annual, quarterly, monthly project work plans and reports.
  • Working with MEL team to make sure the beneficiary data is consolidated base on beneficiary master data Participate in weekly and monthly coordination meetings at district and sub-district level.
  • Perform any other duties as assigned by the Education Coordinator and Education Manager.
  • Support parenting champions in deliver of monthly community session in 3 locations (Asumanu, Vaviquinia and Gugleur villages)
  • Conduct regular monitoring to Community base Preschool in 3 locations (Asumanu, Vaviquinia and Gugleur villages)


  • University Degree or Higher Diploma in relevant
  • Minimum 3 years’ progressive work experience working in community development with children and youth, and community stakeholders.
  • Previous NGO experience in a similar position is required, as well as an understanding of Child Rights, Child Protection, and Youth Development.
  • Minimum 3 years working experience with or similar to youth project, youth networks and youth clubs.
  • Fluency in Tetum and Fataluku and other local dialogs in Lospalos
  • Valid Motorcycle license
  • Ability to conceptualize youth development issues, youth empowerment, and life.
  • Must be able to travel to the program locations in the field, i.e., target villages and to


  • Experience in implementing community level nutrition and health work and community economic activities/livelihood.
  • Previous work with preschool system as playgroup facilitator will be an advantage. 


  • Strong problem solving, supporting others in achieving their & the organisation goals.
  • Creative thinker and motivator, energetic, and team player
  • Curios to learn, focus and analytical.

Remain alert and responsive to any child safeguarding risks, acquire relevant knowledge and skills which will enable you to promote strong safeguarding practices, understand the child safeguarding policy and procedures, and conduct yourself in a manner consistent with the Child Safeguarding Policy.”

Please click on the POSITION DESCRIPTION to find out more about this job. 

Application deadline is 12 April 2024. Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

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Officer Admin Child Fund Liquica

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